Wissenschaftliche Literatur Elderly
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Thomas Topf
Care for the Elderly in Germany: Efficiency, Productivity and their Determinants
An Empirical Analysis for the Years 1999 to 2009
Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften
By 2030 the number of persons of working age in Germany will drop by 7.5 million to 42.2 million, relative to the reference year 2008. Thus, the social security system in Germany faces a shrinking number of potential contributors while supporting a growing number of benefit recipients cared for by a shrinking number of potential nurses. One way to reduce the burden on the care insurance is to increase the efficiency and productivity of the production of elderly care…
AltenpflegeCare for the elderlyData Envelopment AnalysisEffektivitätEfficiencyFormal home care providersGesundheitsökonomieMalmquist-IndexNursing HomesPflegedienstPflegeheimProductivityProduktivitätReturns of saleVolkswirtschaftslehre
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Challenges of Modern Society From Different Perspectives
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The book »Challenges of Modern Society From Different Perspectives« presents eight contributions of twenty authors, which deal with different current thematics connected with the influence of modern social phenomenon on the individual’s development.
By flipping through individual chapters, we can get a glimpse of parental identification of interests for mathematics of their children and therefore come across different open questions that guide us in this…
AbuseChallengesDiversityEducationElderlyHealth CareModern SocietyViolenceYouth
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Challenges of Society
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
Speaking of interdisciplinary influences on education, the study of human psychology - probing into cognition, motivation, behavior and performance - has become a key pillar in that area. From management to performance and social engagement, satisfaction of institutional objectives requires effective analysis of both individual and institutional psychology.
A good amount of research is therefore focused on how psychological theory and research can be…
BullyingChallengesEducationElderlyHealth CareLifelong learningMental ToughnessModern SocietyStressViolenceYouth
Werner Neunzig
Einfluss persuasiver Kommunikation auf Einstellung und Verhalten bei älteren Konsumenten
Theoretische Bestandsaufnahme und empirische Analyse
MERKUR – Schriften zum Innovativen Marketing-Management
Die Anforderungen an die Marketing- und Unternehmenskommunikation haben sich durch die Überalterung der Gesellschaft dramatisch verändert. Dennoch wird die Zielgruppe 50plus von vielen Branchen bisher ignoriert oder nicht adäquat bedient. Wissensdefizite und mangelnde praktische Erfahrung im Umgang mit älteren Konsumenten führen dazu, dass diese sich durch die Werbung nicht richtig angesprochen fühlen.
Ausgehend von einem Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der…
AbsatzAttitude-Intention RelationsEinstellung-VerhaltensbeziehungElderly ConsumersGeplantes VerhaltenGerontologieKommunikationKonsumentenverhaltenMarketingMarktsegmentierungMature MarketsMature Market SegmantationPlanned BehaviourSenioren
Anita Hökelmann, Notger Müller, Kerstin Witte, Thomas Wolbers (Eds.)
Active Healthy Aging
Proceedings of the International Conference of Sports and Neuroscience „Active Healthy Aging, AHA 2015“, 2nd–5th September, Magdeburg, Germany
Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft
This question has been of interest to mankind for a long time. The average lifetime has grown constantly across the last 150 years; however, what really matters is a long healthy life span.
But what is to do?
Normal aging is associated with the decline of physical and cognitive abilities along with structural and neurophysiological changes in the brain and the remainder of the body.
Lifestyle factors such as physical activity, education…
Joseph Gimunta Mahiri
Spatial Analysis of Solar Water Desinfection (SODIS) and Household Water Management in Slums
A Case Study of Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya
GEOGRAPHICA – Schriftenreihe Geowissenschaften und Geographie
Water is a basic need. But due to hydrological, climate, social and political reasons is not available everywhere in the same quantity and quality. According to the World Health Organization report, approximately 1.1 Billion people, which represent 17% of the global population lack access to safe and adequate drinking water. Unsafe drinking water is one of the reason for high morbidity and mortality, especially of children and elderly people. Contamination of water very…
Bacteriological effectivenessDiarrhoeaDoptionGeographieHealth impactsKeniaKenyaNachhaltigkeitSODISSolar water disinfectionSustainabilityWasserversorgung
Daniel Besendorfer
Sustainable Federalism
Theory and Applications
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
When it comes to sustainability, most people, particularly in Europe, think of an environmental concept to conserve access to natural resources for our offspring. Rooted in forestry, any concept would be called sustainable that ensures long-term use of a certain resource without exploiting its stock. The United Nations’ environmental summit of Rio de Janeiro in 1991 further manifested sustainability as a purely environmental concept. Sustainable development was defined as…
Deutsche BundesländerFiscal FederalismFiscal SustainabilityFiskalföderalismusFiskalische NachhaltigkeitGenerationenbilanzierungNachhaltigkeitRatings öffentlicher AnleihenUS BundesstaatenVolkswirtschaftslehre