Wissenschaftliche Literatur Special Needs
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Christian Christrup Kjeldsen
Capabilities and SpecialNeeds
An Educational Foundation
Sozialpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis
This doctoral work provides a comprehensive capability oriented research on the single case of a new Danish innovative policy (Act. no. 564 of 2007), a social work and educational intervention for mentally challenged young people and other young people with specialneeds; the so-called individually arranged youth education (STU). This Act has been taken into consideration in relation to an international study on the implementation of the UN convention on the rights of…
BildungssoziologieCapability ApproachCase StudieDenmarkEducational sociologyNormativityPierre BourdieuRelational EpistmologySocial JusticeSocial WorkSoziale ArbeitSpecial NeedsYouth educationRobert Celec (Ed.)
Modern Society’s Diverse Challenges
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph covers some of the most interesting research areas of the modern time.
Right at the beginning, we are confronted with discussion about the encouragement of mathematical thinking of preschool children through the nature photography prism.
Later on, we find out more about an interesting research of a possible impact of contemporary music on partner models, so that we could examine connections between these two important social…
BeziehungenBildungCreative IndustriesCultureEducationErziehungGenderGesundheitHealth CareInclusionInklusionKreativwirtschaftKulturModerne GesellschaftModern societyMusical identityMusikalische IdentitätPsychotherapiePsychotherapyRelationsRobert Celec (Ed.)
Challenges of Modern Society from Different Perspectives – New Issues
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The monograph is interdisciplinary. It includes chapters from psychology, pedagogy, didactics, special didactics, health sciences and economics. The contents are placed in the context of health, work organization, education and development of children developing normatively or having specialneeds.
The authors highlight current topics; some are also related to the challenges and problems that arised during an epidemic of a new coronavirus (e.g., distance…
BildungDidacticsEconomicsErziehungswissenschaftenFamilieGesundheitswesenGewaltHealth sciencesHuman Resource ManagementInclusionJugendModerne GesellschaftPedagogyPsychologySpecial didacticsStressKlara Skubic Ermenc, Katja Jeznik, Jasna Mažgon
Inclusion – a General Pedagogical Concept
Integrationspädagogik in Forschung und Praxis
The monograph “Inclusion: A General Pedagogical Concept” aims to contribute to the substantiation of the concept of inclusion as an issue relating to general pedagogy, not merely as a field researched by individual pedagogical subdisciplines, particularly special and rehabilitation pedagogy. It examines the historical development and importance of the concept of inclusion, linking it to the question of the general goals of education in the twenty-first century. The main…
ErziehungInclusionInklusionIntegrationIntercultural EducationPädagogikPedagogical ConceptPedagogySpecial NeedsRobert Celec (Ed.)
Challenges of Society
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
Speaking of interdisciplinary influences on education, the study of human psychology - probing into cognition, motivation, behavior and performance - has become a key pillar in that area. From management to performance and social engagement, satisfaction of institutional objectives requires effective analysis of both individual and institutional psychology.
A good amount of research is therefore focused on how psychological theory and research can be…
BullyingChallengesEducationElderlyHealth CareLifelong learningMental ToughnessModern SocietyStressViolenceYouth