6 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Environmental Protection

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Transfer of Studies Regarding Environmental Problems to the Field of Economy Through Education (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Transfer of Studies Regarding Environmental Problems to the Field of Economy Through Education

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The scientific monograph entitled Transfer of the Environmental Problems in the Economy Through Education is an important interdisciplinary work, dealing with ecology, agriculture, education and the environment. The monograph encompasses 11 scientific studies prepared by 22 authors, either as individual authors or as co-authors. Each contribution presents a clearly defined research problem, methodology and citation of references. The development of ecological…

Eco-ArtEcological EducationEcological ThinkingEcologyEducationEnvironmental ProtectionSustainabilitySustainable Development
The Role of Intellectual Property for Clean Technology Innovation in the Context of EU Environmental Policies (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Role of Intellectual Property for Clean Technology Innovation in the Context of EU Environmental Policies

Studien zum Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und zum Urheberrecht

This book revises the role of IP law, in the context of EU environmentalprotection, with a view to promote clean energy technologies. Specifically, the project carries out three main lines of analysis. First, from the perspective of EU primary law, it analyses the implications, if any, of the principle of environmental integration for IP law (particularly, patent law). Second, it examines the role that IP law § on its own and in combination with other elements § may play…

Clean TechnologyClean Technology InnovationClimate ChangeEnvironmental IntegrationEUEuropean LawHorizon 2020Intellectual PropertyIntellectual Property LawIPPatentPPPPublic Private PartnershipRenewable Energy
Strategien zur Verfolgung von Umweltzielen in der agrarischen Landnutzung (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Strategien zur Verfolgung von Umweltzielen in der agrarischen Landnutzung

Agrarpolitische Maßnahmen und freiwillige Standards

Schriftenreihe agrarwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Das Werk behandelt zwei sehr unterschiedlichen Strategien, mit denen Umweltziele in der agrarischen Landnutzung verfolgt werden können. Zunächst wird das sogenannte Greening untersucht, worunter bestimmte Umweltauflagen in der 2013er-Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der Europäischen Union verstanden werden. Das Greening stellt keine einfachen Umweltauflagen in der Landwirtschaft dar, sondern koppelt diese an freiwillig zu beziehende Fördergelder. Dieses Setting erzeugt…

Agrarische LandnutzungAgrarökonomieAgrarpolitikAgrarumweltpolitikagri-environmental policyagricultural land useagricultural policyCommon Agricultural Policy CAPenvironmental protection goalsFreiwillige/private StandardsGemeinsame Agrarpolitik GAPGreeningÖkolandbauÖkologischer Landbauorganic agriculturepanel data methodsprivate standardsReform der GAProbust random effectssustainable land use certification schemesUmweltUmweltzielevoluntary standards
Development of Ecological Responsibility (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Development of Ecological Responsibility

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

Sustainable development is defined as development that satisfies the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy theirs. The book starts from the aim of sustainable development which is to define viable schemes combining the economic, social, and environmental aspects of human activity. These three areas must therefore be taken into consideration by communities, companies, and individuals. [...]

Climate ChangesCross-Curricular IntegrationEco-ArtEcological EducationEcological ThinkingEcologyEducationEnvironmental ProtectionRenewable Energy SourcesResponsibilitySustainabilitySustainable Development
Global Perspectives on Sustainable Regional Development (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Global Perspectives on Sustainable Regional Development

Probleme und Chancen der Globalisierung

The present volume is interdisciplinary in scope, written for economists, social scientists, civil servants, environmentalprotectionists, and individuals alike who are interested and working in the field of sustainable development. The volume is a compilation of mainly research results from economics covering seven areas of sustainable development: the political impact on sustainable societal and economic development, the relevance of an organized service sector,…

BarbadosEconomicsEducational ScienceGenderGlobalisierungInnovationMinimum WagePolandPolitical TransitionRegional InnovationSub-Saharan AfricaSustainable DevelopmentSustainable ManagementTransportation