Wissenschaftliche Literatur Sustainable Development
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Robert Celec (Ed.)
Development of Ecological Responsibility
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
Sustainabledevelopment is defined as development that satisfies the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy theirs. The book starts from the aim of sustainabledevelopment which is to define viable schemes combining the economic, social, and environmental aspects of human activity. These three areas must therefore be taken into consideration by communities, companies, and individuals. [...]
Climate ChangesCross-Curricular IntegrationEco-ArtEcological EducationEcological ThinkingEcologyEducationEnvironmental ProtectionRenewable Energy SourcesResponsibilitySustainabilitySustainable DevelopmentJuri Lienert
The Sustainable Use of Non-Timber Forest Products in the Context of Rural Western Nepal
Merging Capabilities and Livelihoods
The use of biological resources forms an important livelihood component, especially for poor people in countries of the global south. Apart from being used for trade, biological resources also build an important pillar for fulfilling people’s everyday needs. This also accounts for Nepal. Although the country possesses a remarkable diversity of biological resources, so far only marginal trade and corresponding value chain activities for life quality improvements exist.…
Biologische RessourcenBiotradeCapability ApproachForestLebensqualitätsforschungNachhaltigkeitNachhaltigkeitsbewertungNepalSustainabilitySustainable DevelopmentUmweltpolitikValue ChainsRobert Celec (Ed.)
Studies of Environmental Issues Through the Prism of Integration into the Wider Environment
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph, entitled „Studies of environmental issues through the prism of integration into the wider environment“, discusses various research views on environmental issues, which in their broad scope touch on various areas of our social activity. In the monograph it can be read about pollen, which is not only one of the most important particles of biological origin present in the air, but can also act as a pollutant in the air. [...]
AgrarökologieAgrarwirtschaftAgribusinessAgroecologyBildungEcologyEducationEnvironmentErziehungswissenschaftNachhaltigkeitÖkologiePollutionSustainabilitySustainable DevelopmentUmweltVerschmutzungRobert Celec (Ed.)
Transfer of Studies Regarding Environmental Problems to the Field of Economy Through Education
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph entitled Transfer of the Environmental Problems in the Economy Through Education is an important interdisciplinary work, dealing with ecology, agriculture, education and the environment. The monograph encompasses 11 scientific studies prepared by 22 authors, either as individual authors or as co-authors. Each contribution presents a clearly defined research problem, methodology and citation of references. The development of ecological…
Eco-ArtEcological EducationEcological ThinkingEcologyEducationEnvironmental ProtectionSustainabilitySustainable DevelopmentIrmela Gorges / Linda A. Winkler (Eds.)
Economy and Social Conditions in Transition
Probleme und Chancen der Globalisierung
This book is interdisciplinary in scope, written for economists, educators, and for individuals working on the fields of globalization, and its impacts on societal development. The book analyzes the current economic and social development in selected countries with different economic conditions relative to the impact of globalization and infrastructure development. The volume contains six selected papers presented at the annual conference of the Congress of Political…
BarbadosCrisisEconomyErziehungswissenschaftFinancialGesundheitswissenschaftGlobalisierungHealthcareHealth Care ServicesInnovativenessNew technologiesPAYGORegional Sustainable DevelopmentSocial SecuritySub-Saharan AfricaTanzaniaVolkswirtschaftslehreDaniel Besendorfer
Sustainable Federalism
Theory and Applications
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
When it comes to sustainability, most people, particularly in Europe, think of an environmental concept to conserve access to natural resources for our offspring. Rooted in forestry, any concept would be called sustainable that ensures long-term use of a certain resource without exploiting its stock. The United Nations’ environmental summit of Rio de Janeiro in 1991 further manifested sustainability as a purely environmental concept. Sustainabledevelopment was defined as…
Deutsche BundesländerFiscal FederalismFiscal SustainabilityFiskalföderalismusFiskalische NachhaltigkeitGenerationenbilanzierungNachhaltigkeitRatings öffentlicher AnleihenUS BundesstaatenVolkswirtschaftslehreMichaela Triebel
Debt Relief as Panacea for Solving the Development Crisis of Sub-Saharan Africa
An Analysis of the HIPC Initiative
Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis
During the last years, poverty reduction has been in the centre of attention of all development agencies. While Latin America and East Asia as a region managed to significantly improve the living conditions of their people, the quality of life for most people in sub-Saharan Africa appears to only have improved marginally. Africa remains the least developed region of the world. Therefore, the development problem of the African continent has been subject to great concerns…
AfrikaBurkina FasoDebt reliefDevelopmentDritte WeltEntwicklungsländerGhanaHIPC InitiativeInstitutional changeInstitutioneller WechselMalawiMaliMozambiquePRSPRwandaSchuldenSchuldenerlassSub-Saharan AfricaTanzaniaUgandaVolkswirtschaftslehreWirtschaftspolitikRobert Celec (Ed.)
Sustainability as a Way of Life – From Education to Economy
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph embraces the results of various research areas that have a common ground in the study of sustainabledevelopment through aspects of fairly complex environmental issues. At the beginning, we get an insight into the results of research that explores the importance of carrying out physical or sports activities of future kinesiologists directly in the natural environment. In the following, we encounter interesting research findings that talk about the…
AgrarökologieBildungErziehungswissenschaftLandwirtschaftNachhaltigkeitÖkologieUmweltWirtschaftGuido Stannek
Bewertungsmöglichkeiten zukünftiger Großveranstaltungen vor dem Hintergrund des SustainableDevelopment
-Entwurf am Beispiel der EXPO 2000 - Grundlegungen, konzeptionelle Ausformungen und Praxis
POLITICA – Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft
Großveranstaltungen haben im Rahmen der Globalisierungsprozesse kontinuierlich an Bedeutung gewonnen. Das Interesse an der Ausrichtung derartiger Ereignisse befindet sich demnach in einem stetigen Wachstumsprozess.
Weltausstellungen als ein Typus von Großveranstaltungen zeichnen sich zumeist durch ihre weitreichenden Ausmaße und den damit einhergehenden Auswirkungen auf die ökonomischen, ökologischen und sozialen Gegebenheiten aus und unterliegen in Zeiten knapper…
EvaluationEx ante BewertungEXPO 2000GroßveranstaltungenMega EventsNachhaltigkeitPolitikwissenschaftSustainable DevelopmentMartin Sebaldt (Hrsg.)
SustainableDevelopment - Utopie oder realistische Vision ?
Karriere und Zukunft einer entwicklungspolitischen Strategie
POLITICA – Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft
Das Schlagwort SustainableDevelopment ist in aller Munde. Nicht nur politisch korrekt ist es heute, sein Handeln als nachhaltig zu charakterisieren, sondern geradezu chic: Auch künftigen Generationen der Menschheit soll die Chance auf ein lebensfähiges Ökosystem garantiert werden, so wie die jetzige Generation dieses Erbe von ihren Vorgängern erhielt. Dem Prinzip der Nachhaltigkeit liegt daher eine ausgeprägt philanthropische Gesinnung zugrunde, die für seine…
EntwicklungspolitikGlobalisierungModernisierungNachhaltige EntwicklungÖkologiePolitikwissenschaftUmweltschutz