Wissenschaftliche Literatur Responsibility
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
Falls bei Ihnen die Veröffentlichung der Dissertation, Habilitation oder Masterarbeit ansteht, kontaktieren Sie uns jederzeit gern.
Julie Spergel
Canada‘s ‘Second History‘: The Fiction of Jewish Canadian Women Writers
Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik
In Anne Michaels’s novel „Fugitive Pieces?, seven-year-old Shoah survivor Jakob Beer is reborn, given a „second history? when he emerges out of a Polish bog. As Jakob builds a new life with his adoptive father Athos, the Greek archaeologist who finds him, the two are consumed by a need to uncover the hidden, invisible worlds that lie beneath Greece and Toronto. Their world is one where fragments, ruins, ghosts, missing information, and lost manuscripts call out to be…
Anne MichaelsCanadian LiteratureCanadian MulticulturalismChava RosenfarbChronotopesChronotoposGenderJewish Canadian WritingJewish DiasporaJüdische FrauenKanadische LiteraturKulturwissenschaftLilian NattelLiteraturwissenschaftNancy RichlerSchriftstellerinnenSpatial HistoryWomen‘s WritingGodwin Atede
„Trial Marriage“ in Nigeria
Igala as a Case Study: A Moral-Theological Investigation
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
This work is an investigation into the moral quality and relatedproblems of „Trial Marriage? among young Nigerians of today, with particular reference to the Igala and Catholic Christians in general.
In this work, the author identifies the different problems that prevent many Catholic Christians from marrying in the Church after their traditional marriage and articulates what can be done to help such people to regularise their marriage in order…
ChristiansEheIgalaMarriageNigeriaProbeeheTheologieTrial Marriage
Adolphus Iroegbu
“Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters”
An Exegetical and Pragmatic Study of Amos‘ Critique of Social Injustice and Its Cruciality in the Contemporary Nigerian Context
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
„Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters!? An Exegetical and Pragmatic Study of Amos’ Critique of Social Injustice and It’s Cruciality to Contemporary Nigerian Context, is an effort to relive Amos’ critique of social injustice in the society of today that are not so much different from Amos’. The book is calibrated into three major parts that are divided into seven chapters. Part one which has to do with the general introduction of the work consist of only chapter one. The…
Corruption of leadershipCritique of Social InjusticeExegesisGerechtigkeitInjusticeInstitia SocialisJusticiaNigeriaProphet AmosSocial CritiqueSocial JusticeTheologieTheologyAnca-Diana Barbu
Investing in Renewable Energy Sources
An Assessment of Non-Technological Issues in Central and Eastern Europe
Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis
On May 1st 2004, the European Union has seen the most ambitious enlargement in its history in terms of expansion scale as well as political and economic challenges. With the accession process, the new Member States (NMS) assumed a double responsibility. On one hand, these countries will have to continue making efforts to catch up with Western Europe (EU-15) while, at the same time, taking on-board new responsibilities as fully fledged Members of the European Union. The…
EnergieversorgungErneuerbare EnergienGlobalisierungKlimawandelNachhaltigkeitOsteuropaProperty RightsSustainabilityVolkswirtschaftslehreWeltklimaWirtschaftspolitikJing He
Preparation for the University Entrance Examination
Determinants of Effective Self-Regulation in Exam Preparation among Chinese High School Students
Schriften zur pädagogischen Psychologie
Each year thousands and millions Chinese senior high school students have to prepare for the university entrance examination (UEE) for their aspiration for higher education. This preparation learning lasts almost one year, with a great amount of learning content, difficult problems, complicated tasks, and fierce competition. During this period, they have to meet lots of challenges, such as, adjusting or maintaining their interest for learning, improving learning…
Chinese High School StudentsExam PreparationGender DiffenrenceGifted StudentsLearning StrategiesPädagogikSelf-EfficacySelf-regulated LearningTest AnxietyUEEUniversity Entrance ExaminationBernulf Bruckner & Reinhard Paulesich (Hrsg.)
Nachhaltigkeit und Unternehmensfinanzierung
Beiträge zur aktuellen Diskussion und empirische Befunde
Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen nachhaltiger Entwicklung, der
Zukunftsfähigkeit von Unternehmen und dem Internen Rating nach Basel
II? Wirkt sich Umweltverträglichkeit und soziale Verantwortlichkeit positiv
auf die finanzwirtschaftliche Perspektive in Unternehmen aus? Die He-
rausgeber und Autoren dieses Sammelwerkes meinen: Ja!
Die Studie ist daher auch zur Beantwortung und Begründung dieser und
ähnlicher Fragen konzipiert…