Wissenschaftliche Literatur Diversification
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Karin Tremp
Strategic Decision-Making
Top Management Team’s Dominant Logic and the Inherent Threat of Strategic Inertia
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Why do companies — especially the most established ones — consistently struggle to meet changing market and technical conditions? Organizational researchers and particularly those focusing on strategic management have long been interested in identifying factors that lead companies to success or failure. Outside observers are continuously surprised when well-established companies suddenly falter or collapse (take for example market leaders such as Kodak or Nokia). In…
Behavioral StrategyDecision-MakingDiversificationDominant LogicGroupthinkManagerial CognitionMental ModelsRelatednessStrategic InertiaStrategic ManagementStrategisches ManagementNicolas Heinrichs
Firm Valuation
Consistent Financial Planning and Corporate Diversification
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
The accurate valuation of firms is an elementary practical and theoretical issue. The author demonstrates how standard equity valuation models can be extended by broadening the consistent financial planning approach to account for non-ideal valuation conditions. He investigates how these extended valuation models perform on a large data set of firms. His research further provides significant contributions on how the co-movement of firm fundamentals behaves across the…
Co-Movement of RevenueCorporate DiversificationCorporate FinanceDependence ModelingDividend Discount ModelFirm ValuationUnternehmensbewertungUnternehmensdiversifikationChristof Wiechers
Optimization and Diversification of Risky Portfolios under Uncertainty
This work presents various extensions in the field of portfolio optimization from the statistical point of view. An investor wants to allocate his wealth among different risky assets and has historic price information about these assets as the only source of information. This historic information is only partially reliable as indicator for the future development of the assets’ return characteristics, as both economic fluctuation and return parameters may change over time.…
Asset AllocationBetriebswirtschaftslehreCRSP DatabaseDecision under UncertaintyDiversificationFinanzmangementMarket VariationNaive PortfolioNon-Parametric MethodsPortfolio OptimizationRisk ManagementRobust EstimationStatistical InferenceStatistikUngewissheitUS StocksRobert Celec (Ed.)
Ecological Influences on Different Life Aspects
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph is an important interdisciplinary work, dealing with several aspects of life and ecological issues. Its profound message seeks to highlight the important impact of certain ecological problems on our life; from social, natural and technical sciences, as well as art. In terms of content, this book presents research findings that are scientifically well-structured and direct us through the independent research and study views of the authors, so that…
AbfallrecyclingAgroecologyClimate ChangeEcologyEducationGas emissionsKlimawandelLandwirtschaftsökologieNachhaltigkeitÖkologiePädagogikPollutionSustainabilityTreibhausgasUmweltverschmutzungWaste sortingKlaus Püschel and Satoru Miyaishi (Eds.)
Advances in Legal Medicine
from a Japanese-German Perspective
Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Hamburg
It was the unforgettable Prof. Taizo Nagano who initiated the new and first INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ADVANCES IN LEGAL MEDICINE (ISALM) under his chairmanship in Kanazawa (1990). In his preface for the proceedings Prof. Nagano wrote: „...With the remarkable advances in medicine and the rapid development of social pluralism, an increase in the diversification of social roles and responsibilities is also seen in the field of legal medicine. To meet these challenges, a new…
DeutschlandForensische MedizinISALMJapanLegal MedicineRechtsmedizinSymposiumVeronika Schmidt
Quantitative Film Studies
Regularities and Interrelations Exemplified by Shot Lengths in Soviet Feature Films
Schriften zur Medienwissenschaft
In statistical film analysis it is a common observation that shot length frequencies are not distributed haphazardly, but according to a particular pattern. Taking this as a starting point, the monograph focuses on two main questions. The first one is: Are shot lengths in Soviet feature films distributed regularly, and can these distributions be interpreted within a larger theoretical framework? The second question is: Is shot length an isolated entity in film or is it…
ComedyDramaFilm studiesFilmwissenschaftGeorge Kingsley ZipfKomödieMedia studiesMedienwissenschaftMotion picturesPaul MenzerathPhilosophy of scienceSlawistikSoviet UnionSowjetunionSpielfilmStatisticsStatistikWissenschaftstheorieTobias Wickern
Multiple Testing Problems in the Context of Modern Portfolio Theory
A multiple testing problem occurs when two or more related null hypotheses are tested simultaneously. The classical significance level, which refers to the type I error of an individual test problem, is not suitable for testing a family of hypotheses. This is due to the fact that more than one true null hypothesis may erroneously be rejected. Several approaches to error control taking account of the multiplicity problem have been proposed. The focus of the present work is…
Asset allocationBootstrap methodsCertainty equivalentFamilywise error rateFinanzierungslehreMarkowitzMinimum-Variance strategiesMultiple hypothesis testsMutual fund performanceNaive diversificationNormal-Inverse-Wishart modelPortfolio optimizationRisikomanagementSharpe ratioWirtschaftsstatistikSvetlana Havlicek
Economic Diversification in the United Arab Emirates
Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Dubai
Studienreihe Volkswirtschaften der Welt
Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate: schon bei Ankunft wird deutlich, dass man in einer anderen Welt ist: mehrspurige Autobahnen führen durch Dubai, hyper-moderne Wolkenkratzer aus farbigem Glas und aufwendigen Verzierungen reihen sich aneinander, die untergehende Sonne schon fast malerisch widerspiegelnd. In Einkaufszentren und dem bunten Nachtleben tummeln sich die Nationen der Welt und vervollständigen das kosmopolitische Bild.
Aber wer denkt, dass dieser…