Wissenschaftliche Literatur Robust Estimation
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Frowin C. Schulz
Quadratic Variation of Financial Asset Prices
Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Evidence on Power Derivatives
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Financial asset prices differ not only in their level and trajectory, but also in their magnitude and type of variability within trading periods. As financial agents require quantifying the price variability of a financial asset over a certain period of time in many risk- and valuation-related applications, it is crucial to reflect appropriate concepts which provide an accurate picture of the variability exposure. The scientific elaboration of an adequate concept in light of the practical necessities demands the consideration of all issues related to the quantification…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreEconometricsElectricity Forward ContractEnergy FinanceHigh Frequency DataInfrequent TrackingNord Pool Energy ExchangePrice JumpsRealized VarianceRobust EstimationStatisticsTracking ActivityUrgent Market Message
Christof Wiechers
Optimization and Diversification of Risky Portfolios under Uncertainty
This work presents various extensions in the field of portfolio optimization from the statistical point of view. An investor wants to allocate his wealth among different risky assets and has historic price information about these assets as the only source of information. This historic information is only partially reliable as indicator for the future development of the assets’ return characteristics, as both economic fluctuation and return parameters may change over time.
In a first study, various paradigms of asset allocation are presented and compared both…
Asset AllocationBetriebswirtschaftslehreCRSP DatabaseDecision under UncertaintyDiversificationFinanzmangementMarket VariationNaive PortfolioNon-Parametric MethodsPortfolio OptimizationRisk ManagementRobust EstimationStatistical InferenceStatistikUngewissheitUS StocksHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet Betriebswirtschaft