13 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Uncertainty

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Supply Chain Performance Optimization under Demand Uncertainty (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Supply Chain Performance Optimization under Demand Uncertainty

QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis

This book presents a comprehensive model for businesses to optimize their supply chain performance. It focuses on balancing supply chain costs and customer service levels in distribution networks.

The book takes readers on a transformative journey through the world of supply chain optimization, starting with a deterministic bi-objective model and expanding to encompass the dynamic reality of today's supply chain operations. It introduces methods to handle the…

NachfrageunsicherheitPharmazeutische LieferketteSupply Chain ManagementSupply Chain PerformanceSzenariobasierte ModellierungUncertaintyVertriebsnetzwerk
Decisions under Imperfect Information (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Decisions under Imperfect Information

The Ordering of Information Structures and Production under Endogenous Uncertainty

Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Almost all economic activity takes place under uncertainty. The randomness may, for instance, relate to risky stock market returns, fluctuating exchange rates or uncertain product innovations. The major source of uncertainty in decision making is the limited and imperfect knowledge of the decision maker at that given point in time. The exposure to uncertainty depends therefore inherently on the available information about the distribution of the existing risks. In…

BlackwellClassification CriterionEndogenes RisikoEndogenous RiskEntscheidung unter UnsicherheitFaktorpreisunsicherheitInformation ContentInformationsgehaltInformationsökonomikInformationsstrukturInformationssystemInformation StructureInternationaler HandelOrdnungskriteriumProduktion unter UnsicherheitTradeTransparencyTransparenzUncertain Factor PricesUncertaintyUngewissheitUnsicherheitValue of InformationVolkswirtschaftslehreWert von InformationWirtschaftstheorie
Störungen und Operational Uncertainty im Rahmen von Projektarbeit (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Störungen und Operational Uncertainty im Rahmen von Projektarbeit

Eine empirische Studie zum Einfluss von kontextbezogenen Faktoren auf den Zusammenhang von Aspekten des Teams, des Individuums sowie der Aufgabe auf die Leistung des Teams

Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie

Selten verläuft etwas so wie geplant! Dies gilt insbesondere für Projektarbeit, welche sich durch neuartige Zielstellungen in Verbindung mit zeitlichen, finanziellen und personellen Begrenzungen auszeichnet. In diesem Spannungsfeld kann das Auftreten von Störungen schnell zu Unsicherheiten (Operational Uncertainty; Wall, Cordery & Clegg, 2002) bzgl. der weiteren Projektbearbeitung führen. In der Studie wird der Umgang mit diesen immer komplexer und turbulenter werdenden…

Arbeits- und OrganisationspsychologieBetriebswirtschaftOperational UncertaintyProjektarbeitPsychologieSoziotechnische SystemgestaltungStörungenTeamarbeitUngewissheitUnsicherheit
Optimization and Diversification of Risky Portfolios under Uncertainty (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Optimization and Diversification of Risky Portfolios under Uncertainty


This work presents various extensions in the field of portfolio optimization from the statistical point of view. An investor wants to allocate his wealth among different risky assets and has historic price information about these assets as the only source of information. This historic information is only partially reliable as indicator for the future development of the assets’ return characteristics, as both economic fluctuation and return parameters may change over time.…

Asset AllocationBetriebswirtschaftslehreCRSP DatabaseDecision under UncertaintyDiversificationFinanzmangementMarket VariationNaive PortfolioNon-Parametric MethodsPortfolio OptimizationRisk ManagementRobust EstimationStatistical InferenceStatistikUngewissheitUS Stocks
A Descriptive Approach to Decision Making and the Decision-Making Style (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

A Descriptive Approach to Decision Making and the Decision-Making Style

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

The scientific monograph provides in-depth coverage of the theory of decision making from a descriptive perspective, concentrating on decision-making style, the way of thinking, and information gathering. In the decision-making process, it is essential that a decision maker with a particular style bears responsibility for the decision and also for its subsequent implementation and control of the achieved results.

The decision-making style in the conditions of…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreDecision-MakingDecision Making ProcessDecision Making StyleDecision ProblemsDescriptive Decision MakingEntscheidungEntscheidungsfindungEntscheidungsprozessReasoningTeam Decision Making
The Dawning of the Dragon – A Developmentally Focussed Cross-Cultural Study of Terror Management Theory (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Dawning of the Dragon – A Developmentally Focussed Cross-Cultural Study of Terror Management Theory

Schriften zur Sozialpsychologie

The book focuses on broadening the validity and applicability of Terror Management Theory (TMT); one of today’s most influential psychological theories in intergroup relations. However, until today some aspects have been totally neglected by Terror Management research thereby leaving questions regarding the theory’s validity and applicability unanswered. This book sets out to tackle these issues. It does so by concentrating on three main aspects that are dramatically…

AcculturationAdolescentsAkkulturationAussiedlerChildrenDevelopmental PsychologyEntwicklungspsychologieIingroup IdentificationIngroup CohesionInterkulturelle PsychologieJugendlicheKinderOutgroup DerogationPsychologieSozialspychologieSurvey StudyTerror Management TheoryTürkische MigrantenTurkish MigrantsUncertainty TheoryUngewissheit
Algorithms for Linear Stochastic Programs and their Application in Supply Chain Network Design Problems (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Algorithms for Linear Stochastic Programs and their Application in Supply Chain Network Design Problems

QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis

Die Studie „befasst sich mit der mehrstufigen stochastischen linearen und gemischt ganzzahligen Optimierung und deren Anwendung in der Standortplanung.

Im ersten Teil des Buches werden die Grundlagen der mehrstufigen stochastischen linearen und gemischt ganzzahligen Optimierung erläutert und die benötigten Grundbegriffe aus der Statistik und der stochastischen Programmierung eingeführt. Alle Begrifflichkeiten und Lösungsansätze sind stets durch Beispiele…

Branch and BoundFinancial DecisionInteger ProgrammingLagrangean RelaxationLocationMulti PeriodOperation ResearchRisk ManagementScenario TreeStandortplanungStochastic ProgrammingStochastische OptimierungSupply Network DesignUncertaintyUngewissheitValue of the Stochastic Solution (VSS)
The Influence of Advisors, Advisor-Customer Relationships, and the Financial Crisis on Satisfaction and Retention of Retail Banking Customers (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Influence of Advisors, Advisor-Customer Relationships, and the Financial Crisis on Satisfaction and Retention of Retail Banking Customers

Three Empirical Studies

Innovatives Dienstleistungsmanagement

For retail banks, as for other continuous service providers, CRM literature has focused on retention as the goal, given the higher profitability of customers who stay with the firm, when compared to newly attracted customers. Research has found a multitude of reasons for customers to stay with their firm, ranging from social effects to customers’ age and socioeconomic status. Of the different reasons, customer satisfaction with the service provided has been identified as…

Customer Relationship ManagementCustomer RetentionDienstleistungsmanagementFinancial CrisisFinancial Market AdviceHousehold FinanceRetail BankingService Marketing
Innovation Economics: Capital Market Perception of Corporate Innovation Activities (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Innovation Economics: Capital Market Perception of Corporate Innovation Activities


Innovationsaktivitäten von Unternehmen gewinnen in einer zunehmend wissensbasierten Ökonomie immer mehr an Bedeutung. Wettbewerbsvorteile und die Erschließung zukünftiger Erfolgspotentiale hängen entscheidend von der Innovationskraft der Unternehmen ab.

Trotz der wachsenden Bedeutung von Forschungsaktivitäten als wesentlicher Treiber für den Unternehmenserfolg ist die entsprechende Umsetzung in Erfolgsgrößen am Kapitalmarkt bisher nur lückenhaft thematisiert.…

Asset PricingBetriebswirtschaftslehreBetriebswirtschatfslehreCorporate InvestmentsFinanzierungInnovationManagementReal OptionsResearch and DevelopmentShareholder WealthStock LiquidityStock MarketsSystematic RiskUncertaintyValuation
The Labour Income Risk Associated with the Occupational Choice (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Labour Income Risk Associated with the Occupational Choice

Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

The value of human capital critically depends on two factors: the person's skills and the economic environment, both of which are exposed to a substantial risk of future deterioration. In particular, changes in the economic environment are uninsurable. An individual takes the risk that, after having made substantial human capital investments in an occupation, the overall earnings level in that occupation performs significantly worse than in others. This decline in…
