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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Service Marketing

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Value Creation in Business-to-Customer and Customer-to-Customer Relationships (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Value Creation in Business-to-Customer and Customer-to-Customer Relationships

Three Empirical Studies

MERKUR – Schriften zum Innovativen Marketing-Management

This book covers two very relevant occurrences of customer relationships: The classical dyadic relationships between providers and its customers (B2C) and the more recent customer-to-customer relationships (C2C). Owing to the tremendous increase in customer connectivity through the web 2.0 and social media, especially the latter is rapidly gaining importance.

As a start, we introduce three quantitative/behavioral characteristics of classical B2C relationships: length, depth, and breadth. We show that they are very useful when assessing the relationships for…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreC2CCustomer-to-Customer InteractionCustomer RelationshipsMarketingOnline-WerbungOnline Forum ManagementRelationship CharacteristicsRelationship MarketingService MarketingService QualitySoziale MedienVirtual Communities
Konzeption eines Inbound-induzierten Vertriebs (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Konzeption eines Inbound-induzierten Vertriebs

Optimierung von Service- und Vertriebsprozessen bei eingehenden Kundenkontakten im Call Center am Beispiel von Versicherungsunternehmen

MERKUR – Schriften zum Innovativen Marketing-Management

Verschiedene Branchen befinden sich heute in einem tiefgreifenden Wandel. Die festzustellenden Marktveränderungen sind vielfältig determiniert. Deregulierungen und Liberalisierungen, Globalisierung bzw. Internationalisierung und die zunehmende Konzentration und Verflechtung von Unternehmen führen ebenso zu grundlegenden strukturellen Veränderungen wie der Technologiewandel, Veränderungen in den Vertriebsstrukturen und demographische Entwicklungen. Auf der Kundenseite sehen sich die Unternehmen neben einem Wertewandel und der abnehmenden Bereitschaft, Kundenbindungen…

BetriebsprozessBetriebswirtschaftslehreCall CenterCross SellingInboundKundenbindungKundenkontaktKundenmanagementMarketingMarketingkonzeptServiceServiceprozessUmsatzgenerierungUp SellingVersicherungVertriebVertriebsstrukturen
The Influence of Advisors, Advisor-Customer Relationships, and the Financial Crisis on Satisfaction and Retention of Retail Banking Customers (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Influence of Advisors, Advisor-Customer Relationships, and the Financial Crisis on Satisfaction and Retention of Retail Banking Customers

Three Empirical Studies

Innovatives Dienstleistungsmanagement

For retail banks, as for other continuous service providers, CRM literature has focused on retention as the goal, given the higher profitability of customers who stay with the firm, when compared to newly attracted customers. Research has found a multitude of reasons for customers to stay with their firm, ranging from social effects to customers’ age and socioeconomic status. Of the different reasons, customer satisfaction with the service provided has been identified as one of the strongest for customers to stay with the firm or to leave it. For retail banks,…

Customer Relationship ManagementCustomer RetentionDienstleistungsmanagementFinancial CrisisFinancial Market AdviceHousehold FinanceRetail BankingService Marketing