Wissenschaftliche Literatur Rwanda
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Klaus Püschel, Christina Krafczyk, Jean-Damascène Bizimana (Hrsg.)
Never Forgotten – The Genocide Victims from Murambi, Rwanda
Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Hamburg
Introduction and Beginning of the Cooperation
(K. Püschel, O. Krebs, B. Franke, H. Mushumba)
Days of Darkness – The Genocide Against Tutsi in Murambi
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo)
A New Beginning – Rwanda After the Genocide
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo)
The Genocide Against Tutsi in Murambi
(J.-D. Bizimana, J.-D. Gasanabo)

Herbert Mushumba, Barbara Franke, Leon Mutesa, Klaus Püschel (Eds.)
Forensic Science in Rwanda
Developments, Synergies and New Actions
Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Hamburg
Looking at Rwanda’s past and considering its future with the aim of becoming a middle-income nation makes it obvious that forensic medicine is a required need for the development of the nation. Some of the crimes of the past may still be unresolved due to lack of forensic medicine capabilities, and yet the rate of development could now mean even more sophistication in crime, which will call for equally advanced techniques in forensic practice.
We hope that the discussions in this book will shed light on the current state and organization of forensic medicine…
AusbildungForensic medicineForensische AnthropologieGenozidIdentifikationRechtsmedizinRuandaRwandaSicherheitWeiterbildung
Michaela Triebel
Debt Relief as Panacea for Solving the Development Crisis of Sub-Saharan Africa
An Analysis of the HIPC Initiative
Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis
During the last years, poverty reduction has been in the centre of attention of all development agencies. While Latin America and East Asia as a region managed to significantly improve the living conditions of their people, the quality of life for most people in sub-Saharan Africa appears to only have improved marginally. Africa remains the least developed region of the world. Therefore, the development problem of the African continent has been subject to great concerns for decades over decades. Still, despite great efforts to solve the development crisis of sub-Saharan…
AfrikaBurkina FasoDebt reliefDevelopmentDritte WeltEntwicklungsländerGhanaHIPC InitiativeInstitutional changeInstitutioneller WechselMalawiMaliMozambiquePRSPRwandaSchuldenSchuldenerlassSub-Saharan AfricaTanzaniaUgandaVolkswirtschaftslehreWirtschaftspolitikHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet Medizin & Gesundheitswissenschaft