Wissenschaftliche Literatur Economic Policy
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Oliver Treidler
From the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020 and Beyond
Rethinking the Rationale for a Common European EconomicPolicy
EURO-Wirtschaft – Studien zur ökonomischen Entwicklung Europas
During the last couple of years the lack of competitiveness of many European economies has been brutally exposed. This book presents a detailed analysis of the failed attempt of the European Commission to enhance competitiveness and rethinks the rationale for delegating competences to the EU.
The Lisbon Strategy, which was initiated in 2000, has failed to attain the goal of turning Europe into the most competitive and dynamic economy in the world. In 2010 the Lisbon Strategy was succeeded by Europe 2020. Considering that vital lessons have remained unlearned,…
Austrian School of EconomicsBenchmarkingCompetitivenessEconomic GovernmentEconomic PolicyEurope 2020European IntegrationEuropean Social ModelLisbon StrategyAlper Selman Tengüz
Strategies of the State towards the Informal Economy
Studienreihe Volkswirtschaften der Welt
Around the world developed and developing economies alike are struggling with the persisting nature of the informal economy. The policy advice given to politicians by development economists today is rather generic with no regard to country-specific factors. This research develops a policy advice framework for governments to improve the relevance of policy actions towards the Informal Economy. The basic paradigm is that the informal economy is not to be regarded as a nuisance, a growth break, or just as a social safety net. Rather it is a telling symptom of…
Development EconomicsEconomic PolicyEconomic ReformInformal EconomyNationalökonomiePolicy AdviseShadow EconomyVolkswirtschaftenVolkswirtschaftslehreHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet Volkswirtschaft