Wissenschaftliche Literatur Problem Situation
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Darjo Felda, Mara Cotic, Sanja Maricic
Building Mathematical Literacy by Solving Realistic Problems
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
Today mathematics is characterized by increasing orientation toward developing the ability of thinking, towards acquiring knowledge that has applicative value in everyday life, developing students’ independence in learning, creation of the conditions that will foster the desire and need for learning the strategies of solving and investigating a variety of mathematical problems in the framework of problemsituations. Solving problems represents one of the key competences assessed in international studies. The results of international assessments precisely have also been…
DidacticsMathematical KnowledgeMathematical LiteracyMathematicsMathematics ClassesPedagogyProblem SituationRealistic ProblemDarjo Felda, Jurka Lepicnik Vodopivec, Mirjam Bon Klanjšcek
Teaching Statistics and Statistical Literacy
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
In real-world environments we are faced with large amounts of information that is found in newspapers, in magazines, on television, on the Internet, and elsewhere, and that is often presented in the form of tables or graphs. Today statistical data are, unfortunately, quite often abused, mainly because of lack of knowledge in statistics, as we cannot read statistical data appropriately and critically evaluate them. Nowadays knowledge of statistics is becoming a functional component of literacy. Learning and teaching of statistics in schools should be thus linked to real…
DidacticsMathmatics ClasseProblem SituationRealistic ContextStatistical EducationStatistical KnowledgeStatistical LiteracyStatistical ThinkingMirjam Bon Klanjšček / Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec / Darjo Felda
Statistical Literacy Among Secondary School Students
Achieving a Higher Level of Statistical Literacy
The statistical education should be in step with modern didactic trends, which recommend the use of statistics in relation to everyday life and thus develop and improve statistical literacy. But as statistics is made part of mathematics instruction, solving statistical problems tends to be dominated by mathematical thinking, emphasizing mathematical models, methods and procedures, with the techniques being more important than the statistical problem itself. There is not enough emphasis placed on understanding the problems or on a critical interpretation of the results –…
Critical interpretationDidacticsDidaktikErziehungswissenschaftKritische InterpretationMathematicsMathematics classesMathematikReal-life situationRealistic contextSecondary schoolStatistical educationStatistical literacyStatistical thinkingStatisticsStatistikStatistikunterrichtStatistisches DenkenWeiterführende SchuleHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet Erziehungswissenschaft