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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Language Contact

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Fixed Expressions in Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Fixed Expressions in Cross-Linguistic Perspective

A Multilingual and Multidisciplinary Approach

Schriften zur Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft

When approaches linking language to other cognitive and behavioural phenomena, culture, the environment and society are flourishing, the strength and momentum of phraseological studies in recent years is hardly surprising given the nature of ist object of study. Fixed expressions include proverbs, bearers of timeless „truths“, judgments or opinions which have become fixed in a given language and constitute products of a particular society, fixed formulae

Contrastive LanguageFigurative LanguageFixed ExpressionsFormulaeIdiomsLanguage and CultureLanguage ContactLinguisticsLinguistikProverbsSprachwissenschaftTranslation
Welsh as a Fortis-Lenis Language (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Welsh as a Fortis-Lenis Language

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

The book entitled “Welsh as a Fortis-Lenis Language” presents the results of a study on the laryngeal system of the Welsh consonants. The analysis of the laryngeal system in Welsh is conducted on the basis of phonetic evidence, phonological facts and a brief comparison with the laryngeal system operating in English. The main conclusion is that the Welsh language exhibits a fortis-lenis distinction of consonants complemented with some further phonologically distinctive…

Consonant distinctionsFortis-Lenis-UnterscheidungFortis-lenis distinctionKehllauteKonsonantenunterscheidungLaryngale MerkmaleLaryngalsystemlaryngeal featureslaryngeal systemlinguisticsLinguistikWalisischWalisische PhonetikWelshWelsh phonetics
Beiträge zum Thema Sprachkontakt / Contributions on the Topic of Language Contact (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Beiträge zum Thema Sprachkontakt /
Contributions on the Topic of LanguageContact

Schriften zur Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft

Das Verhältnis der Sprachen untereinander ist so alt wie der Sprachgebrauch selbst. Der Einfluss der Sprachen aufeinander erfolgt nicht nur auf lexikalischer, sondern auch auf syntaktischer und semantischer Ebene. Dank dieser fortlaufenden Interaktion entwickeln sich Sprachen. Dieser Interaktionsprozess erfährt einige Veränderungen, die als positiv oder negativ angesehen werden können. Bei der Interaktion der Sprachen ist es freilich auch von großer Bedeutung, aus welcher…

Lost in Translation? An Analysis of the Role of English as the Lingua Franca of Multilingual Business Communication (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Lost in Translation? An Analysis of the Role of English as the Lingua Franca of Multilingual Business Communication

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

The study explores the influence of English as a lingua franca on multilingual business texts, in the context of the growing Americanisation of German business communication. It is based on the central hypothesis that the dominance of lingua franca English leads to a convergence with Anglophone text conventions in translations into German. This hypothesis is tested using two genres within annual reports: letters to shareholders and corporate statements, which…

Annual reportContrastive pragmaticsCorporate rhetoricDeutschEnglischEnglishGermanIntercultural business communicationInterkulturelle WirtschaftskommunikationKommunikationKontrastive PragmatikLanguage changeLanguage contactLingua FrancaLingua franca communicationMehrsprachigkeitMultilingual business communicationMultilingualismSprachkontaktSprachwandelSprachwissenschaftText linguisticsTextlinguistikTranslation Studies
Verbal Modalities in Corporate Publications (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Verbal Modalities in Corporate Publications

A Cross-Cultural Approach

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

In a time of globalization, business corporations have expanded their activities to the global market and communicate with local and global audiences competing with one another in terms of market share, financial investments, brand awareness, and audience trust. As national and corporate cultures meet and compete on various levels of business, a consistent corporate identity and a positive public image can be the crucial factors that decide between success or failure of a…

Communicative ModeCorporate IdentityCorporate imageCross-CulturalEnglischGenre AnalysisGermanGlobalisationGlobalizationHybridizationInfosuasionInterculturalLanguage ContactLevels of Pragmatic InterpretationModalityMulti-Dimensional AnalysisPerspectivationPerspectivisationPhilologieSelf-PortrayalSprachwissenschaftVariationWebsite