Wissenschaftliche Literatur Idioms
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Isabel González Rey (ed./Hrsg.)
Phraseodidactic Studies on German as a Foreign Language/ Phraseodidaktische Studien zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
Phraseological competence is one of the main challenges for language learners. Phraseodidactics, as one of the applied fields of Phraseology, fosters this competence by providing teachers and students with certain tools and techniques. In this collective volume, eight specialists put forward the relevance of this field and formulate guidelines for a good acquisition of phraseological units in German as a foreign language. They confront theoretical and practical principles that lie at the foundation of idioms teaching, and contribute to consolidating Phraseodidactics as…
Cognitive ProcessesDeutsch als FremdspracheDidacticsGerman as a Foreign LanguageIdiomsLanguage LearningPhraseodidacticsTranslationMaría Álvarez de la Granja (ed.)
Fixed Expressions in Cross-Linguistic Perspective
A Multilingual and Multidisciplinary Approach
Schriften zur Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft
When approaches linking language to other cognitive and behavioural phenomena, culture, the environment and society are flourishing, the strength and momentum of phraseological studies in recent years is hardly surprising given the nature of ist object of study. Fixed expressions include proverbs, bearers of timeless „truths“, judgments or opinions which have become fixed in a given language and constitute products of a particular society, fixed formulae which, together with certain proverbs, are situationally conditioned and thus function as labels…
Contrastive LanguageFigurative LanguageFixed ExpressionsFormulaeIdiomsLanguage and CultureLanguage ContactLinguisticsLinguistikProverbsSprachwissenschaftTranslationHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet