Wissenschaftliche Literatur Economic Growth
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Xu Wang
Modeling China‘s EconomicGrowth Path
A Dynamic Analysis of Pension and Tax Reforms
Studienreihe Volkswirtschaften der Welt
The fast economicgrowth of China in the last three decades has impressed economists around the globe. How did China succeed to keep a high growth rate in such a long period? Which costs and risks could the rapid development of China imply? How could the historical success be maintained in the foreseeable future? A large number of economists and sociologists have been working on these themes for years. This is also the origin of this book. The book aims to develop a…
Allgemeines GleichgewichtsmodellAltruismAltruismusChinaComputable General EquilibriumEntrepreneurshipFinanzwissenschaftFiscal PolicyFiskalpolitikModell überlappender GenerationenOverlapping GenerationsPublic FinanceSaving RateSparquoteUnternehmertumVolkswirtschaften
Michael Carlberg & Arne Hansen
Economic Analysis of a Great Recession
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Asset price bubbles refer to both real estate bubbles and stock market bubbles. The collapse of an asset price bubble means that asset prices go down while liabilities do not. As a result, millions of people have impaired balance sheets. Put another way, millions of people are in debt. In order to reduce their debt, they have to reduce their consumption. This in turn causes high and persistent unemployment. In other words, the described scenario leads to drastic economic…
Asset Price BubblesBalance Sheet RecessionEconomic GrowthFinancial EconomicsFiscal PolicyGovernment DebtMacroeconomicsMonetary EconomicsPublic FinanceRecession
Barbara Kleinert
Heterogeneity and Change in the Process of Economic Development
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
This book provides a thorough analysis of the interaction of heterogeneous economic agents and the overall economy with respect to the dynamics of economicgrowth and development. As the diversity of individuals is the spice of social existence, heterogeneity is presumably a major driving force in market economies and the reason for phenomena, which are hard to explain otherwise. Assuming heterogeneous agents allows to analyze not only the impact of decisions on the…
Economic DevelopmentEconomic GrowthEndogenous Market ExitMigrationProduct ObsolescenceSchumpeterian Creative DestructionVolkswirtschaftWirtschaftstheorie
Xiaofan Yu
A Disaggregate Analysis of China‘s Regional Development
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
During the Chinese transitional period from a planned to a market economy, there were significant regional imbalances. On the one hand, we should admit that, given the vast size of China, regional disparities seem inevitable due to the unequal conditions seen historically; on the other hand, basing our judgment on China’s outstanding economic performance, using only on its national average growth can be misleading.
Such concern motivates this cumulative work.…
Cadre Management SystemCareer AdvancementChinaClusterCounty CadresCulture and Economic IntegrationGrowth SpilloversIncentivesIntra-Provincial InequalityLocal ProtectionismPolarizationRegionale EntwicklungSpatial Agglomeration
Alper Selman Tengüz
Strategies of the State towards the Informal Economy
Studienreihe Volkswirtschaften der Welt
Around the world developed and developing economies alike are struggling with the persisting nature of the informal economy. The policy advice given to politicians by development economists today is rather generic with no regard to country-specific factors. This research develops a policy advice framework for governments to improve the relevance of policy actions towards the Informal Economy. The basic paradigm is that the informal economy is not to be regarded as a…
Development EconomicsEconomic PolicyEconomic ReformInformal EconomyNationalökonomiePolicy AdviseShadow EconomyVolkswirtschaftenVolkswirtschaftslehre
Julian Kahl
The Determinants of Firm Growth in High-Technology Industries
An Empirical Analysis of Spatial, Relational and Institutional Factors in the German Biotechnology Industry
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
The formation and growth of high-technology firms is widely regarded as a critical source of competitive advantage for advanced economies. These science and technology-based ventures give rise to important technological innovations opening up new industry segments and challenging existing technological paradigms thus making an important contribution to macroeconomicgrowth. While the importance of high-technology firms for technological progress and economicgrowth in…
ClusterFirmenwachstumInnovationInnovationsforschungNetzwerkeStrategisches ManagementTechnological InnovationsTechnologiepolitikWirtschaftsgeographie
Irmela Gorges / Linda A. Winkler (Eds.)
Economy and Social Conditions in Transition
Probleme und Chancen der Globalisierung
This book is interdisciplinary in scope, written for economists, educators, and for individuals working on the fields of globalization, and its impacts on societal development. The book analyzes the current economic and social development in selected countries with different economic conditions relative to the impact of globalization and infrastructure development. The volume contains six selected papers presented at the annual conference of the Congress of Political…
BarbadosCrisisEconomyErziehungswissenschaftFinancialGesundheitswissenschaftGlobalisierungHealthcareHealth Care ServicesInnovativenessNew technologiesPAYGORegional Sustainable DevelopmentSocial SecuritySub-Saharan AfricaTanzaniaVolkswirtschaftslehre
Lulavere Dervishaj
The Delegitimization of the EULEX-Mission by the Kosovar Society
Schriften zur internationalen Politik
EULEX, the rule of law mission of the EU, is building „a neo-institutional society in Kosovo“. It advises the government and with ist executive mandate is establishing rule-of-law judicial, police and customs and excise institutions in the multi-ethnic society.
Difficulties of the transformation process are analyzed and the effectiveness of EULEX is discussed in terms of capacity and resources. Key actors voice their opinions in illustrative interviews.…
DelegitimizationEthnic ConflictEULEX-MissionKosovar SocietyNeo-Institutional SocietyPolitikwissenschaftSozialwissenschaftSymbolic Power