15 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Treaty

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(Non-)Signature and Ratification of Multilateral Regional Agreements (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

(Non-)Signature and Ratification of Multilateral Regional Agreements

An Explanation of States‘ Behavior in the African Union

Schriften zur internationalen Politik

(Non-)signature and ratification of multilateral treaties has become a major policy concern. Its relevance to the African Union is rising since the 66th Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers.

Even though scholars have discussed how domestic factors and state’s openness shape treaty approval, the behavior of African states has been hitherto ignored. The author shows that Africa’s omission from international relations’ research is ill-informed,…

African Interantional RelationsAfrican UnionConstutivismEuropean UnionLiberalismMixed MethodsMultilateral TreatiesRationalismRegional OrganizationSmall StatesStates`Behaviour
Cross-border Taking of Evidence in Civil and Commercial Matters in Switzerland, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Nigeria, and Uganda (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Cross-border Taking of Evidence in Civil and Commercial Matters in Switzerland, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Nigeria, and Uganda

Schriften zum Zivilprozessrecht

The book investigates the extent to which cross-border taking of evidence in civil and commercial matters in relation to Switzerland, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Nigeria, and Uganda is allowed. Such evidence-taking is not only governed by the domestic law of the state seeking evidence abroad and that of the state where the relevant means of proof are located, but also by public international law, and more specifically by the concept of sovereignty. The admissibility…

BeweismittelCommissionerCourtoisie internationaleGrenzüberschreitende BeweisaufnahmeHoheitsaktInternationale RechtshilfeRechtshilfeersuchenSouveränitätVölkerrechtZivilprozessrecht
Sustainable Federalism (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Sustainable Federalism

Theory and Applications

Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

When it comes to sustainability, most people, particularly in Europe, think of an environmental concept to conserve access to natural resources for our offspring. Rooted in forestry, any concept would be called sustainable that ensures long-term use of a certain resource without exploiting its stock. The United Nations’ environmental summit of Rio de Janeiro in 1991 further manifested sustainability as a purely environmental concept. Sustainable development was defined as…

Deutsche BundesländerFiscal FederalismFiscal SustainabilityFiskalföderalismusFiskalische NachhaltigkeitGenerationenbilanzierungNachhaltigkeitRatings öffentlicher AnleihenUS BundesstaatenVolkswirtschaftslehre
Das markenrechtliche Benutzungserfordernis (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Das markenrechtliche Benutzungserfordernis

Ein Rechtsvergleich zwischen Deutschland und den USA

Studien zum Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und zum Urheberrecht

Die Marke dient der Unterscheidung der Waren und Dienstleistungen eines Unternehmens von denen anderer Unternehmen. Sie erfüllt damit eine wirtschaftliche Funktion. Aufgrund dessen ist es gerechtfertigt, dem Markeninhaber das Recht einzuräumen, Dritte von der Benutzung der Marke oder ähnlicher Zeichen für vergleichbare Produkte auszuschließen.

Ist die Einräumung dieser absoluten Rechtsposition aber auch dann gerechtfertigt, wenn die Marke einer funktionsgerechten…

BenutzungsschonfristBenutzungszwangDefensivzeichenLanham ActMarkengesetzMarkenrechtRechtsvergleichungRechtswissenschaftVorratszeichen
The Cultural Industries in International Trade Law (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

The Cultural Industries in International Trade Law

Insights from the NAFTA, the WTO and the EU

Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht

The present book evaluates the present regulatory situation of various cultural goods and services, known as the cultural industries, under international trade law. Particularly, it looks at the experiences of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union (EU) in order to critically evaluate the efficiency and legitimacy of the current multilateral trading regime established under the aegis of the World Trade Organization (WTO). [...]

DiversityEuropean UnionGATTNAFTARechtswissenschaftTRIPSUNESCOWorld Trade Organization