Wissenschaftliche Literatur Human Trafficking
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Victoria Yiwumi Faison
Protecting Victims Within Legal Responses to Trafficking in Women for Sexual Exploitation in the European Union
Schriften zum ausländischen Recht
Over the years, the response of international law to trafficking has witnessed several reforms. The last of these, adopted in 2000, has been quite influential on the reformation and the adoption of trafficking regulations within the EU and its Member States. However, legislating against trafficking within the EU almost a century after international law first addressed the phenomenon indicates the questionable commanding force of the later.
In the area of sex trafficking, prostitution on the other hand, with a debatable role in perpetuating sex trafficking,…
European Union RegulationsGerman Residence ActHuman RightsHuman TraffickingImmigration LawsInternational Trafficking LawsProstitution LawsSex TraffickingSexual ExploitationSwedish Alien ActTrafficking in Research and PracticeTrafficking StakeholdersLaura Angélica Casola
Legal Culture on HumanTrafficking in Mercosur
Between the Local and the Global
An Analysis from 2000 to 2016
Schriften zum ausländischen Recht
Mercosur has become a key region for humantrafficking. This illegal trade interconnects the four countries by means of a complex criminal matrix and requires concerted governmental strategies in order to counter this phenomenon. However, Mercosur member states had established different regulations, thereby keeping the region from developing a joint strategy. This was to change in 2001 when the bloc emerged as a transnational actor in order to promote cooperation and coordination in the fight against the trafficking of people. Against this background, this book explores…
Global StudiesHuman TraffickingLegal CultureMenschenhandelPolitikwissenschaftRechtskulturRechtswissenschaftRegional IntegrationHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet Rechtswissenschaft