Martina Egger / Andreas Raffeiner / Herwig van Staa (Hrsg.)Arbeitsrecht, Gesellschaftspolitik und Europa
Liber amicorum für Johann Egger zum 70. Geburtstag
Schriftenreihe arbeitsrechtliche Forschungsergebnisse, volume 280
Hamburg 2022, 442 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-13154-6 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-13155-3 (eBook)
[...] Es würde den Rahmen sprengen, sämtliche Beiträge einzeln anzuführen, jedoch kann an dieser Stelle festgehalten werden, dass die Festschrift eine überaus gelungene Hommage an den glänzenden Jubilar darstellt und LeserInnen einen beachtlichen Erkenntnismehrwert verspricht.
About this book deutschenglish
On 7.6.2022, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johann Egger completed his 70th year of life. The passion of the jubilarian belongs to labor law. With analytical thinking and an obligatory sense for the reality of the world of work, he has enriched the labor law dialogue of the last decades with many contributions on a wide range of topics.
The fact that Univ.-Prof. Dr. Egger has received admiration from many quarters for his comprehensive and valuable writings is proof of his extremely keen sense for balanced and well-founded legal foundations for solutions.
It is obvious that the intersection has produced several generations of young labor law professionals who are now in top positions in business as well as in university teaching.
The description of Johann Egger's life's work would be merely piecemeal if it were to omit the obligingness and helpfulness that distinguished the jubilarian. His prudence and humor are remembered by many!
In addition to fulfilling the ongoing work at the Institute for Labor and Social Law, Johann Egger was appointed in 1990 as a staff member at the Center for European Law and member of the ERASMUS Commission at the Faculty of Law of the University of Innsbruck. He also participated in courses on "European Law" at Schloss Hofen in the subject "European Social Policy". In 1998 he was habilitated for the subject "Austrian and European Labor and Social Law" and subsequently appointed university professor for this subject.
During his many years at the Institute for Labor and Social Law, he wrote a large number of scientific papers and publications and carried out extensive teaching activities. This work was recognized with a number of scientific awards and promotional prizes. In addition, he made himself available for academic functions, especially as the long-time head of the Institute for Labor and Social Law, Housing and Real Estate Law and Legal Informatics.
He is also a member of the International Society of Labor and Social Law and the European Institute of Social Security in Leuven. The European focus in Prof. Eger's work represents a further connection of these European activities.
ArbeitsrechtBulgarienERASMUS-KommissionEuropäische UnionEuroparechtEuropean Institute of Social SecurityGeschichteGesellschaft für Arbeits- und SozialrechtIgnatius von LoyolaJohann EggerKirchengeschichteRegionenSozialrechtSüdtirolUniversität InnsbruckWirtschaftZeitgeschichteIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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