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Earnings Forecast Modeling (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Earnings Forecast Modeling

A Systematic Approach


Equity analysts’ earnings forecasts, collected by the Institutional Brokers’ Estimate Service (IBES), Zacks and other news providers, serve as a central input in financial research. For example, Claus & Thomas (2001) use earnings forecasts to estimate the equity risk premium. The equity risk premium, defined as the excess of the expected return on the market over the risk-free rate, is most commonly estimated via historical averages of ex post realized returns due to the unobservable character of the return expectations. However, in a new approach, they estimate the…

BetriebwirtschaftslehreCross-sectional Earnings ModelEarnings ForecastsFinanzmanagementForecast AccuracyForecast BiasImplied Cost of CapitalVolkswirtschaftslehre
The Processing and Pricing of Macroeconomic Information in Financial Markets (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Processing and Pricing of Macroeconomic Information in Financial Markets


How is macroeconomic information processed and priced in financial markets? This work is dedicated to the exploration of different aspects of the relationship between the macroeconomic state of an economy, information about this state, and the pricing of assets. The research question is addressed in three steps.

First, we explore the sensitivity of investors’ risk premium demands to macroeconomic risk. Specifically, we analyze the link between an economy’s macroeconomic situation and investors’ equity risk premium demands. Our approach to exploring the…

Asset PricingBayesian UpdatingBusiness ConditionsFinanceImplied Cost of CapitalInformation ProcessingMacroeconomic NewsRisk Premium