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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Customs

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Protection of Legitimate Expectations in Customs Procedures (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Protection of Legitimate Expectations in Customs Procedures

Steuerrecht in Forschung und Praxis

The concept of protection of legitimate expectations in EU administrative law theoretically exists almost in all European Member States in one form or other. At broader level, European Court of Justice has theoretically emphasized the significance of this concept. However, discrepancy arises where the practical decisions of the disputed case come into question. The claimant of protection demands substantive protection or at least procedural protection. The analysis of…

Art. 220 ZKArt. 239 ZKArticle 220 CCC and Article 239 CCCBesondere UmständeBinding tariff and origin informationCustomsCustoms proceduresECJ court casesErlass und ErstattungEuGHEU lawEU RechtLegitimate ExpectationsNacherhebungObvious negligence and special circumstancesOffensichtliche FahrlässigkeitPräferenzielles HandelsabkommenPreferential Trade AgreementsProcedural and substantive ProtectionProtectionProtection of legitimate expectationsRemission and RepaymentSubsequent recovery of customs dutiesUCCUnion Customs CodeUnion ZollkodexUZKVertrauensschutzZollZollverfahren
Equal Right to Property for Women under International Human Rights Law (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Equal Right to Property for Women under International Human Rights Law

An Analysis of the Legal Protection in Kenya

Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft

The study is inspired by the general situation of women with regard to property and particularly land in Kenya. To date, discrimination and inequality with regard to property and land in particular continue to be pervasive whereby the disparity of ownership of land between men and women stands at Seventy Five percent.

Comprising of five chapters, the study analyses the legal protection of the right to property for women by laying open the existing international…

African CustomsAfrikanische BräucheDiscriminationDiskriminierungEqualityFrauenrechteGleichheitGüterstandHuman rightsIntersectionalismIntersektionalitätKeniaKenyaLawLegal pluralismMatrimonial propertyMenschenrechteNachfolgeRecht auf EigentumRechtspluralismusRechtswissenschaftRight to propertySuccessionWomen‘s rights
Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits version 600 (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits version 600

Analysis and Commentary

Schriften zum Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht

The UCP is the most widely implemented, privately drafted banking regulation regarding the handling of documentary letters of credit in international trade transactions. Since 1933, six versions of the UCP have been used in managing letters of credit. However, the most current version, the UCP 600, is not as widely utilized as the previous version was, as the new version favors trade customers over banks. The banks favor customary law over these „rules? and thus exclude…

BankBanking commissionBanking practiceBanking regulationBeneficiaryBill of ladingBuyerCarrierClaiming bankComplianceConfirming bankCreditCustomsDocumentary letter of creditDocument complianceDraftEnglish EuropeFree tradeFree trade agreementsGesellschaftsrechtICCInternational chamber of commerceInternational standards of bankingInternational tradeIssueing bankLetter of creditMultimodal transportNominating bankOn ist facePracticePracticesPresentationRechtswissenschaftRevocable creditSellerTradeTrade lawTrade regulationTrade transactionTransport documentUCPUCP 500UCP 600Uniform customs
Lutherans in the Poznan province (Habilitationsschrift)Zum Shop

Lutherans in the Poznan province

Biological dynamics of the Lutheran population in the 19th and early 20th centuries

HERODOT – Wissenschaftliche Schriften zur Ethnologie und Anthropologie

In contrast to the Lutheran communities of Western Europe, those settling in the Poznan province were culturally very diverse in terms of roots, traditions, customs, habits, lifestyles, and wealth. In Germany they were members of different local churches. On coming to the Poznan province, they brought with them religious practices characteristic of the various German states and regions. Moreover, their cultural heterogeneity and the proximity of Catholics could facilitate…

AnthropologyDemographyFertilityGene PoolHabilitationHistorical PolandMarriage PatternsMortalityProtestantismPrussian Sector
The Delegitimization of the EULEX-Mission by the Kosovar Society (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

The Delegitimization of the EULEX-Mission by the Kosovar Society

Schriften zur internationalen Politik

EULEX, the rule of law mission of the EU, is building „a neo-institutional society in Kosovo“. It advises the government and with ist executive mandate is establishing rule-of-law judicial, police and customs and excise institutions in the multi-ethnic society.

Difficulties of the transformation process are analyzed and the effectiveness of EULEX is discussed in terms of capacity and resources. Key actors voice their opinions in illustrative interviews.…

DelegitimizationEthnic ConflictEULEX-MissionKosovar SocietyNeo-Institutional SocietyPolitikwissenschaftSozialwissenschaftSymbolic Power
The Role of Water in Iranian Folklore (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Role of Water in Iranian Folklore

Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft

This study examines the role of water in a range of beliefs and observances among Iranian communities belonging to two religions, Zoroastrianism and Islam. The work seeks to show that many of the traditional observances connected with water that are found in Islamic communities in Iran have no obvious connection with an Islamic worldview based upon the official teachings of that religion, and probably continued to be observed from pre-Islamic times onwards. The work also…

BeliefsFolkloreIranKermanReligionReligious studiesRituals and PracticesSacred placesZoroastrianism