Wissenschaftliche Literatur Public International Law
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Georgios Anthrakefs / Ανθρακεύς Γεώργιος
The Right to Exploit Offshore Hydrocarbon in the Southeastern Mediterranean in the Light of PublicInternational Law
Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht
«Das Recht zur (effizienten) Nutzung von Offshore-Kohlenwasserstoffen im südöstlichen Mittelmeer im Lichte des Völkerrechts»
Die Originalität dieser Dissertation und ihr Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Rechtswissenschaft begründen sich darin, dass diese Dissertation ausdrücklich ausführt, wie die Literatur seit langer Zeit sich mit dem Thema der Dissertation befasst und dabei zur Beilegung langjähriger seerechtlicher Streitigkeiten zwischen Griechenland und der…
Europäisches RechtGaspipelinesLNG TerminalsMeereszonenOffshore-EnergieOffshore-KohlenwasserstoffSüdöstliches MittelmeerVölkerrecht
Jebby Romanus Gonza
Examining the Role of Regional Community Courts in Integration
Case Study of the East African Court of Justice with Lessons from the Court of Justice of the European Union
Schriftenreihe zum internationalen Einheitsrecht und zur Rechtsvergleichung
This book examines roles of regional community courts in economic integration. It traces how regional community courts of the EACJ and the CJEU have sought to attune themselves as institutions that can tackle socio-economic and political challenges hampering integration. The study is founded on an observation that regional economic blocs in Africa, particularly the East African Community, face many challenges that hinder effective trade liberalization and economic…
Court of Justice of the European UnionEast African CommunityEast African Court of JusticeEast African Treaty 1999Europäischer GerichtshofEuropäische UnionEuroparechtEuropean UnionInternationales RechtOstafrikanische GemeinschaftOstafrikanischer GerichtshofPublic International LawRegional Community CourtsRegional Economic IntegrationRegionale GemeinschaftsgerichteRegionale Wirtschaftsintegration
Prisca Schleiffer Marais
Cross-border Taking of Evidence in Civil and Commercial Matters in Switzerland, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Nigeria, and Uganda
Schriften zum Zivilprozessrecht
The book investigates the extent to which cross-border taking of evidence in civil and commercial matters in relation to Switzerland, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Nigeria, and Uganda is allowed. Such evidence-taking is not only governed by the domestic law of the state seeking evidence abroad and that of the state where the relevant means of proof are located, but also by publicinternational law, and more specifically by the concept of sovereignty. The admissibility…
BeweismittelCommissionerCourtoisie internationaleGrenzüberschreitende BeweisaufnahmeHoheitsaktInternationale RechtshilfeRechtshilfeersuchenSouveränitätVölkerrechtZivilprozessrecht
Ioana Andreea Tiriteu
The EU Member States` Iraq Policy of 2002-3 at the United Nations Security Council
Schriften zur internationalen Politik
To what extent was the European Union Common Foreign and Security Policy affected by the member states’ approaches to the Iraq disarmament at the United Nations Security Council, and how have the EU states’ positions on the matter impacted on the authority enjoyed by the UNSC? This research topic opens the door to an in-depth analysis of the functioning and performance of peculiar actors, such as the EU with its CFSP and the UNSC, which are observed all through the…
AußenpolitikAuthorityCFSPEUForeign PolicyForeign policyFranceGermanyInternational OrganizationIrakIraqLegitimicyPolitikwissenschaftPublic International LawSicherheitsrat der Vereinten NationenSpainUKUNUN-SicherheitsratUN Security CouncilUSAVölkerrecht