Ioana Andreea TiriteuThe EU Member States` Iraq Policy of 2002-3 at the United Nations Security Council
Schriften zur internationalen Politik, Band 34
Hamburg 2012, 404 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-8300-6191-5 (Print)
ISBN 978-3-339-06191-1 (eBook)
Zum Inhalt
To what extent was the European Union Common Foreign and Security Policy affected by the member states’ approaches to the Iraq disarmament at the United Nations Security Council, and how have the EU states’ positions on the matter impacted on the authority enjoyed by the UNSC? This research topic opens the door to an in-depth analysis of the functioning and performance of peculiar actors, such as the EU with its CFSP and the UNSC, which are observed all through the international crisis triggered by Iraq’s alleged persistence to develop weapons of mass destruction. Appealing to a broad theoretical toolkit, the study incorporates five case studies, and looks into the deficiencies and prospects of the CFSP and of the UNSC.
AußenpolitikAuthorityCFSPEUForeign PolicyForeign policyFranceGermanyInternational OrganizationIrakIraqLegitimicyPolitikwissenschaftPublic International LawSicherheitsrat der Vereinten NationenSpainUKUNUN-SicherheitsratUN Security CouncilUSAVölkerrechtIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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