Stefan GreweMobile TV: Zukunftschance unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Werberegelungen des Rundfunkstaatsvertrags und der urheberrechtlichen Bestimmungen
Recht der Neuen Medien, volume 62
Hamburg 2013, 270 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-7267-6 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-07267-2 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Mobile TV is a generic term for a variety of different offerings in the transmission of audiovisual content for mobile reception. The offerings are designed in many ways, ranging from classic television to programs with interactive possibilities for the viewer. The transmission of the programs is dependent upon the configuration of the offerings by mobile and broadcasting technology and wireless networks. One purpose of this study is to assign the various offerings in mobile TV to telemedia or broadcasting. This assignment of the offerings can still create considerable difficulties even after the legal merger of the teleservices and media services to telemedia. Similarly, the obligations of the platform providers, who have only recently entered the value chain, are analyzed on the basis of statutory requirements. Mobile TV also provides the advertising industry with new opportunities to tailor advertising messages to the respective user. In this context, this study is particularly focused on the advertising regulations of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty and the in-program advertising, in particular the now legally-regulated product placements. In the field of copyright, this book examines the question of the classification of Mobile TV in the existing system of exploitation rights. Secondly, it explores the question of in what respects Mobile TV is an independent type of use.Keywords
AudiovisuellFernsehenHandyKabelweitersendungMediendiensteMedienrechtMobilePlattformbetreiberPprogrammbegleitendRechtswissenschaftRundfunkTelemedienTVWerbungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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