Wissenschaftliche Literatur Resource Allocation
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Helmut Wasserbacher
Causal Inference and Causal Machine Learning for Data-Driven Management
Applications in Corporate Finance and Marketing
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
The availability of large amounts of data, coupled with artificial intelligence and machine learning as suitable techniques to exploit them, has led to increasing interest in data-driven management. Data are turned into insights, and insights into management decisions.
In the midst of this passion for artificial intelligence, practitioners must remain aware that most machine learning methods maximize predictive performance. This is not the same as identifying…
Causal machine learningDigital marketingKapitalstrukturKIKünstliche IntelligenzMarketingMaschinelles LernenOmnichannel marketingMareike Bauer
Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling
Models and Extensions
QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis
Die schwindenden natürlichen Ressourcen sind nicht erst seit Kurzem in aller Munde. Für Unternehmen ist der effiziente Einsatz vorhandener Ressourcen ein Erfolgs- und Überlebenskriterium. Gerade in der Projektplanung ist der effiziente Ressourceneinsatz von großer Bedeutung. Aufgrund der bereits stark verschlankten Produktionsprozesse ist eine Variabilität innerhalb der Bearbeitungszeiten der einzelnen Aktivitäten eines Projektes kaum noch möglich. [...]
AblaufBetriebsmittelbelegungBetriebswirtschaftslehreErneuerbare RessourcenMultiobjective OptimisationOptimierungProject PlanningProjektplanungResource-Constrained Project SchedulingResource AllocationSchedulingTrade-Off ProblemsVariably Renewable ResourcesČrtomir Rozman, Stanislav Tojnko, Tatjana Unuk, Karmen Pažek, Mario Lešnik
Decision Support Systems in Fruit Production
Schriftenreihe agrarwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The modern computer based decision support methods have been gaining on importance. In this book we present modern decision support methods and their application in fruit production. The real life applications presented in the book are a direct result of authors long lasting research work and until now unpublished research material in this field. The decision support software and its development methods are presented theoretically and practically on real life decision…
AgrarwissenschaftDecision Support SystemFruit ProductionInvestment analysisMulti Criteria Decision AnalysisObstanbauResource AllocationSimulation ModelsAndreas Schirmer
Project Scheduling with Scarce Resources
Models, Methods, and Applications
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Project scheduling deals with the allocation of scarce resources to activities over time. This conceptual framework embraces a multitude of management problems such as the sequencing of jobs in make-to-order production, the planning of courses in professional training, and the assigning of staff under flexible working conditions.
All such problems are notorious for being algorithmically intractable. For such problems, the author details a number of models which…
ApplicationsApplikationBetriebswirtschaftslehreHeuristic methodsHeuristische MethodeManagementModellingProject schedulingResource allocation