Wissenschaftliche Literatur Phonology
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Michał Grzegorz Baran
Welsh as a Fortis-Lenis Language
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The book entitled “Welsh as a Fortis-Lenis Language” presents the results of a study on the laryngeal system of the Welsh consonants. The analysis of the laryngeal system in Welsh is conducted on the basis of phonetic evidence, phonological facts and a brief comparison with the laryngeal system operating in English. The main conclusion is that the Welsh language exhibits a fortis-lenis distinction of consonants complemented with some further phonologically distinctive…
Consonant distinctionsFortis-Lenis-UnterscheidungFortis-lenis distinctionKehllauteKonsonantenunterscheidungLaryngale MerkmaleLaryngalsystemlaryngeal featureslaryngeal systemlinguisticsLinguistikWalisischWalisische PhonetikWelshWelsh phonetics
Malgorzata Sokól (ed.)
Linguistics Across Culture 3
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Linguistics Across Culture 3 is a collection of articles that offer new discoveries and important analytical and conceptual work in the areas of cognitive linguistics, onomastics, discourse analysis, translation studies and phonology. In this way, the volume reflects a wide scope of current research interests and themes of language scholars from the English Department, Szczecin University, Poland, and is a continuation of the previous two volumes in the series. The…
Cognitive LinguisticsCross-cultural researchDiscourse analysisDiskursanalyseEnglische PhilologieEnglish philologyKognitive LinguistikKulturübergreifende ForschungOnomasticsOnomastikPhonologiePhonologySprachwissenschaftTranslation studiesÜbersetzungswissenschaft
Mathew Kinyua Karia
Analysis of Dysarthric Speech After a Traumatic Brain Injury
A Gestural Approach
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
This book focuses on two aspects: consonant production and intonation in dysarthric speech following a traumatic brain injury. The book discusses the deterioration in consonant production as well as deviant prosody in dysarthric speech. Plosives are investigated since imprecision in the production of plosives is a major occurrence in dysarthria. More specifically, this book focuses on the analysis of incomplete oral closures and deterioration of the coordination of the…
Acoustic analysisArticulatory gesturesArticulatory phonologyDysarthriaDysarthric SpeechGestural approachGesturesIncomplete closure in plosivesNeurolinguistikPhonetikPlosivesProsodySpeech productionSpeech therapyTraumatic brain injury
Julia Analena Hollmann
Language & the Brain: The Neural Basis of Foreign Language Proficiency
Angewandte Linguistik aus interdisziplinärer Sicht
The heart of this book is constituted by the scientific discipline of neurolinguistics. The fascinating field of neurolinguistics encompasses the study of the neural mechanisms in the human brain that control the comprehension, production, and acquisition of a native or foreign language. Neurolinguistic research examines the underlying mechanisms of all the major subcategories of language in the brain, e.g. syntax, semantics, phonetics, phonology, or…
Angela FriedericiCognitive gender differencesCognitive scienceCPHCritical Period HypothesisForeign language proficiencyFremdsprachenkenntnisseGenderGender & LanguageHomosexualityKognitive GeschlechterunterschiedeLanguage and the brainLearning foreign languagesMusical abilityMusical talentNative-like pronunciationNeurolinguisticsNeurolinguistikPhonologyPierre Paul BrocaSprachwissenschaft