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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Prosody

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Analysis of Dysarthric Speech After a Traumatic Brain Injury (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Analysis of Dysarthric Speech After a Traumatic Brain Injury

A Gestural Approach

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

This book focuses on two aspects: consonant production and intonation in dysarthric speech following a traumatic brain injury. The book discusses the deterioration in consonant production as well as deviant prosody in dysarthric speech. Plosives are investigated since imprecision in the production of plosives is a major occurrence in dysarthria. More specifically, this book focuses on the analysis of incomplete oral closures and deterioration of the coordination of the oral and glottal system.

After reviewing fundamental concepts in dysarthria, prosody and…

Acoustic analysisArticulatory gesturesArticulatory phonologyDysarthriaDysarthric SpeechGestural approachGesturesIncomplete closure in plosivesNeurolinguistikPhonetikPlosivesProsodySpeech productionSpeech therapyTraumatic brain injury
Multimodal (Im)politeness (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Multimodal (Im)politeness

The Verbal, Prosodic and Non-Verbal Realization of Disagreement in German and New Zealand English

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

This study aims to broaden our understanding of cross-cultural differences in communication behaviour. To this end, the present study employs an innovative methodology, which combines a traditional approach to speech act research – based on verbal communication – with prosody and non-verbal communication, in order to gain a multidimensional insight into the disagreeing behaviour of Germans and New Zealanders.

After identifying the differences on all communicative channels, this study goes on to explore the perceptual effect these differences exert, thereby…

Communication BehaviourCross-Cultural CommunicationDisagreementGermanNew Zealand EnglishNon-Verbal CommunicationPolitenessPragmaticsProsodySpeech ActSprachwissenschaft