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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Biomechanics

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Basketball Shooting: A Science-based Approach to Coaching (Forschungsarbeit)

Basketball Shooting: A Science-based Approach to Coaching

Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft

"The book offers everything a basketball coach, player, or enthusiast should ever know about this important element of the game with the orange ball – that can never be mastered to perfection. There is always something small left to be fixed with extra work. This book, which should not be missing in the collection of any true basketball fan, will be of great help to all."

Goran Dragić, basketball player [...]

BasketballBiomechanicsBiomechanikCoachingCommercial AspectEfficiencyEffizienzGeschichteHistoryKörperliche AnforderungenKommerzieller AspektPhysical DemandsSchießenScienceShootingSportsSportwissenschaftTechnikTechniqueTrainingWerfen
Developing Take-off Power in Ski Jumping (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Developing Take-off Power in Ski Jumping

Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft

This book presents the first study comparing the use of different shoes and, with a special measurement device, the change in inclination. We wanted to approach the situation on the ski jumping hill and find out the typical changes that can influence the training process of the jumpers. Top Slovenian jumpers who won medals at the last Olympic Games in Beijing 2022 participated in the study. Ski jumping is one of the most technically complex and difficult movements. A…

AbsprungBewegungsgeschwindigkeitbiomechanicsBiomechanikGewichtsverteilungjumping powermovement speedmuscle powerMuskelkraftski jumpingSkispringenSprungkrafttake-offtraining processTrainingsprozessweight distribution
An Engineering Contribution to Human Gait Biomechanics (Dissertation)Zum Shop

An Engineering Contribution to Human Gait Biomechanics

Schriftenreihe naturwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Walking is something we do every day without thinking much about it. Therefore it is surprising to learn, how little we know about mechanics and control of walking. This becomes obvious when you look at contemporary anthropomorphic walking machines, that are far from moving as dynamic as their human archetypes.

Reduced models are able to explain the general mechanics of human gait and unveil fascinating potential for novel control techniques. Still, they are…

BiologyBiomechanicsBiomechanikBiomechatronicsBiomechatronikDynamic walking robotElectromechanical simulationEngineeringGround contact modelKinesiologyMedicineModel-based controlPhysicsPsychologyRoboticsSpring mass modelWalking machines
Science and Skiing II (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Science and Skiing II

Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft

The Second International Congress on Skiing and Science was held at St. Christoph a. Arlberg, Austria, from 9 to 15 January, 2000. It was the follow up conference of the First International Congress on Skiing and Science held in St. Christoph in January 1996. The conference was organized by the University of Innsbruck, the „Österreichischer Arbeitskreis für Skilauf an Schulen und Hochschulen“ and the World Commission of Sports Biomechanics. [...]

BiomechanikInternational Congress on Skiing and SciencePädagogikSkifahrenSkifahrerSkilanglaufSkilaufenSkispringenSnowboardenSnowboardfahrerSportwissenschaft