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Marketing: Value Creation or Value Destruction? (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Marketing: Value Creation or Value Destruction?

Electronic Commerce, Marketing & Finance

Vor zehn Jahren hatte Marketing einen großen Einfluss und einen ebenso hohen Stellenwert in Unternehmen. Über die letzten Jahre hat Marketing allerdings diesen Stellenwert und die Bedeutung in und für Unternehmen verloren. Dazu kommt, dass Marketing eine zunehmend weniger wichtige Rolle in den Vorständen von Unternehmen spielt.

Der sinkende Einfluss von Marketing ist jedoch nicht von Vorteil für Unternehmen. Vorangegangene Studien haben gezeigt, dass starke…

AccountabilityAdvertisingE-CommerceEvent StudyFinanceMarketingProduct Innovation ManagementValue CreationWirtschaftswissenschaft
Commercialisation of Context-Sensitive Mobile Attention in Mobile Media Markets (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Commercialisation of Context-Sensitive Mobile Attention in Mobile Media Markets

Market Engineering Recommendations for Mobile Marketing Providers

Schriften zum Mobile Commerce und zur Mobilkommunikation

In a society of growing information overflow, it becomes increasingly difficult for enterprises to attract the attention of consumers for marketing campaigns promoting their products and services. In this regard, mobile media offers advertisers a highly personal communication channel to their recipients. Thereby, context information provided by the mobile network allows advertisers to target their Mobile Marketing campaigns towards the momentary usage situation of mobile…

Attention EconomyBetriebswirtschaftslehreContext-Sensitive Mobile Marketing CampaignsContext InformationElectronic Market EngineeringInformation IntermediariesMiobile InternetMobile AdvertisingMobile Data CommunicationsMobile MarketingMobile Marketing ProviderMobile MediaMobile Media MarketsMobilfunkWirtschaftsinformatik
Optimal Pricing Strategies (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Optimal Pricing Strategies

How Nonlinear Programming Enables Optimal Pricing in Digital Environment

MERKUR – Schriften zum Innovativen Marketing-Management

The determination of optimal pricing strategies in the ever-changing digital environment becomes more essential and more challenging with increasing popularity of the Internet and its ability to monitor consumers‘ preferences by tracking their click, purchase and finally their usage behavior. This book examines various novel pricing strategies for advertisers in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) as well as for companies who sell digital goods, frequently offering a menu of…

Agency CompensationBetriebswirtschaftslehreE-CommerceInteraktive PreismechanismenKeyword AuctionsNonlinear PricingOnline-MarketingOnline AdvertisingPerformance-based CompensationPreisfindungPreisstrategieSearch Engine MarketingSponsored SearchSuchmaschinenmarketingTwo-Part-Tariff
Das Werbe- und Informationsverbot für verschreibungspflichtige Arzneimittel (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Das Werbe- und Informationsverbot für verschreibungspflichtige Arzneimittel

Optionen einer Neuregulierung

Medizinrecht in Forschung und Praxis

Der mündige Patient ist in aller Munde und die Erwartungen, die an ihn gestellt werden, sind hoch. So soll er selbst die Verantwortung für seine Gesundheit tragen, dem Arzt im Gespräch auf Augenhöhe begegnen und Therapieentscheidungen aktiv mitgestalten. Entsprechend groß ist das Interesse der Patienten, an Arzneimittelinformationen zu gelangen. Der Zugang zu Informationen der Pharmaunternehmen über verschreibungspflichtige Arzneimittel ist jedoch in der Europäischen…

African Theology of Solidarity and Religion of Self-Deceit (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

African Theology of Solidarity and Religion of Self-Deceit

The Nigerian Experience

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

Religion plays an important role in the day to day activities in Nigeria. Nigerians live religion and think religiously. Religion is used to legitimate almost everything. Politicians use recourse to religion to promote their political agenda. They use religious events, gatherings and discussions to gain political advantage; businessmen and women use religion as an advertising mechanism. The genuine religiosity of Nigerians has become in itself a problem. It has created…

AfricaAfrikaCharityDevelopmental aidFaithHelaingJusticePhilosophyRahnerRatzingerReasonReligionTheologieTheology
Limited Editions: When Conformists Behave Like Snobs and Snobs Behave Like Conformists (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Limited Editions: When Conformists Behave Like Snobs and Snobs Behave Like Conformists

Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten

The marketing literature often assumes that snobs have a preference for rather unique products, while conformists have a preference for products of a more popular nature. At the same time, however, Western consumers have a preference for being unique or individualistic. Not surprisingly, consumers are often confronted with advertising which highlights the exclusivity or uniqueness of a product. This is especially the case when people are faced with limited editions.…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreConformismExclusivityKonsumentenverhaltenLimited EditionMarketingNeed for UniquenessScarcitySnobbism
Freedom of Commercial Speech in Europe (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Freedom of Commercial Speech in Europe

Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht

Due to the politicisation of commercial life and the commercialisation of political life the freedom of expression enters new territories and triggers conflicts in areas to which fundamental rights considerations have been rather unusual so far. The companies participate in public debates or advertise with reference to social or environmental problems. In Germany the civil courts adopted a very strict approach to this type of advertising and held that it contravened the…

Commercial speechComparative constitutional lawEuropean UnionFreedom of speechFundamental rightsInternational LawRechtswissenschaftUnfair competition law