Doktorarbeit: Erfolgsfaktoren standortbasierter mobiler Werbung

Erfolgsfaktoren standortbasierter mobiler Werbung

Konzeption, empirische Überprüfung und Auswirkungen am Beispiel einer mobilen App

Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten, volume 86

Hamburg , 664 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-11848-6 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-11849-3 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The starting point of the study is the continuously increasing importance of the mobile internet as an important link between product or brand and end consumer. Through the spread of location-based technologies, the introduction of so-called „Location Based Advertising“ (LBA) led to a fundamental change in consumer and purchasing behavior. Both in practice and in the context of scientific discourse, the level of knowledge on the success factors of LBA and their impact on privacy concerns and, finally, the purchasing intention of consumers is considered insufficient. An analysis of the literature shows that there is a lack of quantitative-empirical work in this field.

Against this background, a structural equation model was developed on the basis of the Theory of Reasonned Action and the Privacy Calculus Theory, which analyses the success factors of LBA and their influence on the success variables „user attitude“, „intention to disclose location-based information“ and „purchase intention“. The proposed research model distinguishes between exogenous success factors in terms of content characteristics and user-oriented factors.

The theoretically deduced model was tested on the basis of primary data from 294 users of the best-practice mobile location-based platform PAYBACK. The investigation results of the applied covariance-based structural equation analysis confirm the derived model to a large extent, since 19 of 21 hypotheses cannot be rejected. Overall, the research questions postulated at the beginning of the dissertation can be answered completely with regard to the conceptualization and operationalization of success factors and success variables as well as their impact and interrelationships

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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