Habibullah QureischiePost-Universaldienst im digitalen Zeitalter?
Zur Zukunft des Rechts postalischer Versorgungsgewährleistung
Verfassungsrecht in Forschung und Praxis, volume 137
Hamburg 2018, 292 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9937-6 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09937-2 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The availability of communication infrastructures is of utmost importance for the realization of freedom of speech and information as well as for many public interests, such as social inclusion and consumer protection. Moreover, communication infrastructures are necessary for any kind of commercial activities. Therefore, European secondary law and German constitutional law require the guarantee of a universal postal service, even after the liberalization of the postal markets. The German legislator seeks to implement this requirement by the so called Postgesetz and Post-Universaldienstleistungsverordnung, which both apply since the late 1990s.
Since then, however, there have been major shifts in communication behavior of people all over the world. Digitalization has given rise to numerous new ways of communication without any time delay. This obviously effects postal markets. Letter volumes decrease constantly, while parcel services gain importance due to the growth of E-Commerce. Thus, it is hard to believe that the current universal postal service meets with the requirements of a digitalized world.
This study evaluates how European secondary postal law and sub-constitutional German postal law need to be changed, in order to adapt to these developments and to effectuate the social benefits of digitalization.
DaseinsvorsorgeDigitales ZeitalterDigitalisierungEuroparechtÖffentliches RechtPostPost-UniversaldienstPostrechtRegulierungsrechtVerfassungsrechtVersorgungsgewährleistungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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