Boaméman DoutiPoetik eines kulturellen Austausches im postkolonialen Kontext
Untersuchungen zu frankophonen afrikanischen und deutschsprachigen Prosatexten
Studien zur Germanistik, volume 73
Hamburg 2017, 266 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9807-2 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09807-8 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The book is a literary study on Intercultural German Studies. It elaborates on images that the West as a coloniser’s world has built of the Third World over centuries as a colonised world. The West has built a negative image of the Third World. This perception being guided by the colonial ideology has influenced the relations between the West and the Third World. These relations between the dominating versus the dominated exist up to nowadays and prevent the West from making an acceptable appreciation of the values of Third World. Such values stand as those that may contribute to making the West richer. It is from this angle that the author makes a contrastive analysis of four texts from African Francophone Literature and four others from German Literature. He reaches the conclusion that the implication of relations of superiority and inferiority between the West and the Third World provides opportunities for equal exchanges between the colonised world and the colonising world. Basing on the analysed texts, the author gives some examples of such an equal exchange in the field of culture.
AfrikaAustauschEuropaFrankophonieHaitiHybriditätKolonialismusKritikKulturLiteraturwissenschaftPlädoyerPoetikPostkolonialismusProsatexteRomanWertevorstellungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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