Dissertation: Kommunikation als integrativer Teil der Umsetzung von Großprojekten im Energiesektor

Kommunikation als integrativer Teil der Umsetzung von Großprojekten im Energiesektor

Analyse eines partizipativen Verfahrens als mögliches Instrument eines gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Kommunikationsprozesses zur Entscheidungsfindung bei einer Großtechnologie am Beispiel der CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung, Anthropogen

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, volume 448

Hamburg , 484 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8826-4 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-08826-0 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The CCS technology (Carbon Capture and Storage) as a technology to capture CO2 out of combustion processes and storage it in-ground offers the potential to reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions from power plants. Therefore, the technology represents an option to achieve emission reductions.

The perception of the technology differs in terms of the chronological context (from the time of the development of the technology to present), as well as differing in the context of application (conventional power plant technology versus energy-intensive industrial processes, CCU and CCR technologies).

Overall, neither experts nor the general public of Germany has developed a concrete opinion regarding the CCS technology and its implementation to date. Prompted by the lack of information concerning the technology and a low level of communication between the parties, the general public is largely uncertain or negative concerning the technology.

The increasing rejection of the technology by the public and the disunity of industry, science and politics in their positions concerning CCS mean that there is currently no implementation of technology in the industrial scale.

In this context it is described with the example of the CCS technology how major projects in the energy sector reach acceptance or refusal and what communication methods can be used to encourage dialogues between opposing parties.

Additionally, comparisons are made to major projects such as Frankfurt Airport and Stuttgart 21, where communications strategies have been used to solve conflicts between the parties involved.

Moreover, it is considered what positions are available in relation to the CCS technology and what participatory process could be helpful for decision-making at the CCS.

Interviews with experts for the CCS technology as well as professionals in the field of communication of major projects confirm that the conflict between supporters and opponents of the technology would probably have been solved or mitigated by the early use of participatory methods in the past.

As a possible participation process, the suitability of the mediation process is verified for the decision-making in the field of CCS technology.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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