Renate HeugelDie deutsch-arabische Freundschaft
Deutsche Geschichte (1815–1945) in syrischen Schulbüchern
ﻧﻮﺮ ﺍﻠﺤﻜﻤﺔ Nur al-hikma
Licht der Weisheit. Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zur Islamwissenschaft, volume 8
Hamburg 2013, 214 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-7110-5 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-07110-1 (eBook)
[…] Die Autorin stellt deutlich heraus, dass die angebliche Verbundenheit zwischen deutscher und arabischer Geschichte vor allem aus der Annahme resultiert, dem gleichen Feind gegenüberzustehen. Ein scheinbar besonderes Verhältnis wird als Widerspruch entlarvt.
About this book deutschenglish
The Middle East is in turmoil. The media is haunted by the question: Arab Spring or Islamist Winter? How should the West position itself? Often, Germany's special role, the so-called “German-Arab friendship”, is emphasized in the region. On what do we base our good relations with the Arab world? How do Arabs see us and our story? To answer these questions, the author studied the formation of the Syrian Ba‘ṯ-party, as well as the relationship between Germany and the Middle East in the 19th and 20th Century. What similarities and differences can be discovered? What was the role of the Jewish community and Zionism? Most of the book deals with the representation of German history in Syrian Textbooks. Texts that deal with the period between the Congress of Vienna and the end of World War II were translated into German, annotated and evaluated. Excerpts from the dissertation of Palestinian President Maḥmūd ʿAbbās point beyond the way to Syria. The study makes clear that “German-Arab friendship” is based on the admiration of Bismarck and Hitler. In Syrian history books, the Holocaust is denied and “the Jews” portrayed as a “danger for Germany”. This view correlates with the current belief in the Arab-Islamic world about a world-wide “Jewish conspiracy”. None of the parties who are part of the current upheavals cast doubt on this view of the world. To evaluate the other developments in the Middle East, the knowledge of this historical understanding is indispensable.Keywords
19. Jahrhundert20. JahrhundertAdolf HitlerAntisemitismusArabischer FrühlingArabischer NationalismusDeutschlandbildHolocaustIslamismusIsraelMaḥmūd ʿAbbāsNaher OstenNationalsozialismusNeuere GeschichteOtto von BismarckSchulbuchSyrienIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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