Eric NiederprümDas Erfordernis einer Kommunikationsordnung für soziale Netzwerke
Recht der Neuen Medien, volume 81
Hamburg 2021, 414 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-12216-2 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-12217-9 (eBook)
[…] Für den gegenwärtigen und künftigen Gesetzgeber ist vielmehr mit dieser Grundlagenarbeit und vor allem durch die Beschreibung des Status Quo der minutiös aufgezeigten Regulierungsfehlstellen, der Möglichkeiten und Strategien für die Zukunft eine vorzügliche Handreichung gegeben, wo und wie zweckmäßigerweise anzusetzen wäre.
About this book deutschenglish
While the news world is spinning faster and faster and classic media formats are still looking for their place in a digital and increasingly interconnected world, a more and more important part of private and public communication is taking place in social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Social networks represent one, if not the central component of the modern Internet, which is characterized by user interaction. Due to the diversity of the communication options provided, but also due to the way in which information is conveyed, which is essentially determined by the network operators, they offer a completely new form of mass media communication. Social networks and their providers meanwhile occupy a key position in the communicative process. This increasingly attracts the attention of the public, but also of legislative activities.
Against this background, central questions arise to which both legal science and politics still provide answers only to a limited extent: Which responsibility do social networks and, in particular, their providers bear with regard to public communication and opinion formation? How should the communication taking place in social networks be treated in the context of German constitutional law and European primary law? How do currently applicable ordinary German and European law treat the role of social networks in the communicative process? And which implications can be derived from all this for legislative action? In the context of the constantly evolving services offered by social networks and a changing social perception of them, this thesis seeks to contribute to answering these complex questions.
BerichterstattungFacebookGatekeeperInstagramKommunikationKommunikationsordnungMedienrechtMedienstaatsvertragMeinungsmachtNewsfeedÖffentlichkeitRegulierungSocial MediaSoziale NetzwerkeTelemedienTwitterWettbewerbsrechtIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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