Jörg-Johannes LechnerAnthropologie des Todes
Philosophisch-anthropologische Analyse der grenzwissenschaftlichen Phänomene Sterben, Tod und Jenseits
BOETHIANA – Forschungsergebnisse zur Philosophie, volume 150
Hamburg 2019, 102 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-10600-1 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-10601-8 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The author devotes himself to the life-world phenomena of dying, death and the hereafter and attempts to develop these phenomena descriptively in context of a philosophizing anthropology. Human beings cannot and must not „banish“ these phenomena from an everyday life, if they really want to lend life a deeper sense of being. The task of the "Anthropology of Death" is to give people orientation on their way through life, and so this book encourages them to give the phenomena of dying, death and hereafter a radical and total new aspect of sense: This new sense of being says „Yes - to life and death!“
The philosophical development of the themes of dying, death and the conception of the hereafter - as a real challenge to work up the topic in an everyday scientific way - is an attempt to bring this phenomenon or these phenomena closer to the scientific layman as well as to the scientist himself. Back to the phenomenon!, this avoids a walking on the railing. The purpose of the present study is to describe the phenomena to be worked on by themselves (as they are originally given to individual person) descriptively. This descriptive analysis - represented in the present study - succeeds by not losing oneself in any abstract theories, but by starting to philosophize on these phenomena. This not only brings us into the realm of philosophical anthropology but, strictly speaking, into the realm of philosophizing anthropology.
AnthropologieGrenzwissenschaftJenseitsLebensweltPhänomenologiePhilosophieSinnSoziologieSterbenTheologieTodIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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