Forschungsarbeit: Die Umsiedlung der Bukowina-Deutschen und ihre Ansiedlung in Stuttgart und Darmstadt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

Die Umsiedlung der Bukowina-Deutschen und ihre Ansiedlung in Stuttgart und Darmstadt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, volume 104

Hamburg , 132 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9725-9 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-09725-5 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Several German-speaking ethnic groups, known as Bukovina-Germans, immigrated to Bukovina between 1775 and 1850. They contributed significantly to the development of the easternmost crownland of the Habsburg monarchy whose region is now situated in Ukraine and Romania.

The study begins with the colonisation of Bukovina under Emperor Joseph II. It describes the different settlements from Germany as well as their contribution to the development of the region up to the First World War.

In addition, the study reveals the events before the Second World War which led to the resettlement of the German-speaking population from North and South Bukovina by the National Socialists. On the basis of an empirically very elaborate investigation, the emigration from Bukovina is vividly illustrated by several interviews with contemporary witnesses. They depict the public and private preparations, the process of relocation and the transport routes. Then, the study describes the conditions in several camps in which the Bukovina-Germans were accommodated during the transport and afterwards. Furthermore, the process of the colonisation in the eastern territories of the German Reich as well as the escape of the Bukovina-Germans to Germany at the end of the war is shown. Finally, the establishment and expansion of the Bukovina-German settlements in Stuttgart-Büsnau and Darmstadt is documented with great detail. The study also describes the relationship between Bukovina-Germans and locals as well as the associative life and other cultural activities into the present time.

The historical pictures and written sources contained in the annex which could be obtained from municipal and private archives, illustrate the described settlements and make it possible to review important documents entirely.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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