Andrea BaerIbn Ḥazms Rationalismus
Widerlegung der Skepsis. Übersetzung und Kommentar
BOETHIANA – Forschungsergebnisse zur Philosophie, volume 115
Hamburg 2015, 274 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-8284-2 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08284-8 (eBook)
[…] The main merit of Andrea Baer’s study can be found in the fact that she has tried to make Ibn Ḥazm known to a broader audience – not only to experts in Arabic and Islamic studies. Though unknown outside of the Arabic world, he was one of the major intellectuals who had a significant influence on Islamic views of non-Muslims, so that transcultural research must consider him. […]
About this book deutschenglish
Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi is one of the most prolific thinkers of the Muslim world, but nearly unknown today. His œuvre is poorly understood. He was born in al-Andalus at the beginning of the 11th century. His œuvre includes the complete range of the Islamic sciences, such as the Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), science of Hadith, science of the Koran, biography of the prophet, history, theology as well as literary and philosophical works. He brings the law school of Zahirism to bloom. In spite of his strict avoidance of qiyas – the syllogism – and his limitation to Koran and Hadith as sources of the law, rationalism has a place in his thinking. Ibn Hazm did not consider himself a philosopher. Therefore it is even more remarkable that he proposes a broad philosophical programme which he is carrying out. In the study Ibn Hazms philosophical programme is sketched: from his theory of knowledge through to his ethics and his proof of God. As a rationalist, Ibn Hazm trusts in the strength of the God-given reason, which gives mankind true knowledge of the world. In his “Treatise (Kalam) on the Equivalence of Proofs“ he disproves scepticism through reasonable arguments without referring to the Koran or the Sunna. This treatise is translated into German for the first time. Ibn Hazm’s vivid battle with religious scepticism is a proof for the presence of this kind of thinking in Andalusia at the beginning of the 11th century. Scepticism during the Classical Antiquity and in Modern History has been investigated thoroughly. Concerning the Middle Ages, there is a gap. The book aims at filling a part of this gap.Keywords
11. Jahrhundertal-AndalusAndalusienErkenntnistheorieEthikGeschichteGottesbeweisIbn Ḥazm al-AndalusiIslamische PhilosophieIslamische RechtsschuleIslamische TheologieIslamwissenschaftMittelalterPhilosophiePhilosophie des MittelaltersRationalismusVergleichende ReligionswissenschaftZahirismusIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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