Doktorarbeit: Strategische Handlungsoptionen von Netzbetreibern vor dem Hintergrund der Anreizregulierung nach § 21a EnWG für Unternehmen der Energiewirtschaft

Strategische Handlungsoptionen von Netzbetreibern vor dem Hintergrund der Anreizregulierung nach § 21a EnWG für Unternehmen der Energiewirtschaft

Untersucht am Modell eines Verteilernetzbetreibers Strom

Strategisches Management, volume 97

Hamburg , 292 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-5127-5 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-05127-1 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

"The present study is based an the model of an electricity distribution network operator. This model is used to explore strategic options facing distribution network operators in Germany and the implications in each case. The study sets out by giving a general outline of the present situation in Germany and discussing the possibilities of incentive regulation from a theoretical and practical viewpoint. In a next step it establishes and investigates the evolution of the legal framework and mechanisms of incentive regulation in Germany. These insights serve as a basis for developing a model of an electricity distribution network operator. This model is then used to investigate the implications of incentive regulation and derive possible strategic options for action. These options relate to changes in investment behaviour, in the development of costs and turnover and in organisational structure. The purpose of the study is to exa,mine and assess options for action fa,cing a model electricity distribution operator and in this wa,y gain insights for the practice of incentive regulation in Germany."

Energy Database (ETDE), DE024089334

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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