Tagungsband: Nationality - Identity - Education

Nationality - Identity - Education

Nationalität - Identität - Erziehung

Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft, volume 38

Hamburg , 456 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-0073-0 (print)

About this book deutschenglish

This volume of essays is the product of an ongoing and unusual partnership between two institutions of higher education: Ludwigsburg Pedagogical University in Germany and Beit Berl College in Israel. Mutual exchanges of staff and bilateral conferences spanning a period of eight years have addressed themselves to the investigation of national identity in its European and Middle-Eastern settings. Initially motivated by a concern to reflect on the painfully intertwined histories of the two countries and lay a base of understanding for the next millennium, those involved quickly found themselves confronted with a whole range of issues, at once more specific and more general, which seemed to cry out for critical inquiry.

What is the link between nationality and personal identity? How are they affected by religious and political influences? What role does the past play in the evolution and modification of national identity? To what extent are territorial issues involved? How do geographical and demographic aspects affect the perception of national identity? What kind of treatment is accorded to minorities and immigrants? How is gender identity accommodated and accounted for? How do Germany and Israel, as "new nations", view their present national identities? And above all, how are these and many other associated concerns dealt with in the theory and practice of education?

This volume documents a rich variety of reflection and research on such topics, carried out by academics from Germany, Israel and Great Britain.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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