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Digitaler Nachlass – zwischen Erbrecht und Datenschutz

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Studien zum Erbrecht, volume 29

Hamburg , 228 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-13728-9 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-13729-6 (eBook)

About this book englishenglish

This study classifies the digital estate into the overall legal context, identifies the key problems and attempts to find a solution for them. Johannes Manhart analyzes the previous literature and case law on the subject of digital inheritance and shows the affected interests of those involved. Who should and is allowed to access online accounts and social media profiles after the death of the owner? Can the heirs simply view all chat messages or are there legal obstacles? Who has what interests and are these reflected in the current legal situation?

Johannes Manhart deals with these questions based on applicable national and European law. In particular, he applies German inheritance law and European data protection law harmonized with the GDPR to the inheritance of digital accounts. He states the principle that current law should not recognize any difference between analogue and digital space. Phenomena of the digital age are discussed that could justify different treatment of analogue and digitally embodied information. Here the work also addresses the concept of data and the problems of digital storage media. It will also be analyzed whether inheritance and data protection law is modern enough to take digital realities into account.

The author analyzes the BGH's Facebook decision from 2018 in detail and shows that the case law cannot yet have reached its end. With good arguments, Johannes Manhart chooses a different path than the BGH by consistently applying the GDPR. Finally, at the end of the work, a legally compliant solution to the problems of digital inheritance is proposed.

Johannes Manhart shows that the current law is sufficient and only needs to be implemented consistently from a technical point of view.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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