Forschungsarbeit: Herausforderungen in der EU-Arzneimittelversorgung

Herausforderungen in der EU-Arzneimittelversorgung

Handlungsstrategien zur Vermeidung von Arzneimittelengpässen

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriften zum Sozial-, Umwelt- und Gesundheitsrecht, volume 5

Hamburg , 122 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12358-9 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-12359-6 (eBook)


Zwar befasst sich dieses Buch mit der aktuellen Debatte um Arzneimittelengpässe in der EU-Arzneimittelversorgung, aber die Ausführungen geben auch Hinweise, die für den Medizinproduktebereich hilfreich oder von Bedeutung sein können, zumal Medizinprodukte und Arzneimittel in verschiedenen Bereichen viele Parallelen aufweisen, z. B. hinsichtlich Grundsätze der Zusammensetzung, Kombination, Herstellung, Gesundheitsanforderungen, Anwendung oder Handel. [...]

Gert Schorn in: Medizinprodukte Journal, MPJ 29 (2022) 2

About this book deutschenglish

This study contributes to the current debate on drug shortages in the EU drug supply. Drug shortages, which have been increasing for years, represent a growing challenge for the EU. After all, drugs are vital goods. The Corona pandemic further exacerbates the problem and puts the issue more than ever in the current focus of the public and politics, although it is not a new issue. So far, the European Union has not implemented any countermeasures and now sees the need to act. In the context of these developments, this paper uses a qualitative literature analysis to identify and examine various measures that can be implemented at EU level to prevent future drug shortage. For a comprehensive understanding, the most important instruments in the regulation of the EU pharmaceutical supply are first described. The challenge of drug shortages is then approached by identifying and explaining their definition, dimension and causes. After an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the different measures extracted from position papers of concerned health actors, an assessment of the measures is made in order to identify those measures that are most appropriate or should be implemented in a prioritised manner. Finally, strategies for action are formulated, which propose suitable measures against drug shortages as an orientation and starting point for policy makers.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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