Doktorarbeit: ‚Verschwiegenes, das nach Worten verlangt‘: Mangel, Schuld, Entsagung und Tod in den Romanen von Urs Faes

‚Verschwiegenes, das nach Worten verlangt‘: Mangel, Schuld, Entsagung und Tod in den Romanen von Urs Faes

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

POETICA – Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft, volume 156

Hamburg , 302 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-10554-7 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-10555-4 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

In his literary work, the Swiss writer Urs Faes gives deep insights into the psychic life of the contemporary man, who tries to understand the world in order to live in it. Faes treats many problems in their complexities with great intensity and although they are intertwined and mutually reinforced, one obvious tendency emerges: namely, the problem of silence, which pervades and unites the author’s entire literary work. The grave problems concealed in Faes’ novels include the trauma of childhood, such as fragile parent-child relationships, family secrets and the associated guilt and failure, but also the timeless relationship issues, such as fear of relationship, pain of unfulfilled love and the tragedy of a hopeless relationship. Thus, secrecy becomes the supporting element of our civil society, what has been reflected in emotionally colored expressions. The literary contouring of this question by the Swiss writer is a pointer to unprocessed problems that condemn the individual to unwanted life courses. Faes arrives to create, for the burdensome and often guilty or lacking memories as well as for inhibitions and fears of his characters, a sensitive language, which does justice to the various personal experiences. Through the description of the thinking processes of his protagonists, through their secretive, conscious or unconscious feelings, the composition of the novels is determined - the space-time structure is fragmented and increasingly the reflections of the figures come to the fore. In this way, intellectual bridges are created, which mark so unusual ways to the already known places, that a completely new map of the seemingly familiar world emerges.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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