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Sustainable vegetable production for small farmers on problem soils in the highland of Bukidnon (Philippines) for fresh market and processing (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Sustainable vegetable production for small farmers on problem soils in the highland of Bukidnon (Philippines) for fresh market and processing

Schriftenreihe agrarwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Supplying the growing world population with food, particularly in developing countries, is the overwhelming challenge of the future. It is known that in almost all of these countries consumption of vegetables is far from being sufficient. Growing vegetables is particularly suited for small farmers and their families because they can best meet the special cultivation requirements. Yet farmers need to be encouraged to move to new and more profitable crops. Additionally,…

AgrarwissenschaftGemüseanbauKleinbauernMindanaoNachhaltigkeitPhilippinenSmall farmersSustainableVegetable production