Verena ThalerThe Interdependence between Business Development and Brand Management
Schriftenreihe zum Business Development, volume 3
Hamburg 2018, 138 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9744-0 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09744-6 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Seizing long-term growth opportunities is both a key goal of and a challenge for companies at the same time. Saturated markets and shorter product lifecycles have changed market dynamics over the past decades, in such a way that competition on price or quality leadership has receded into the background. Instead, firms increasingly depend on the successful development of new business fields and strong brands to retain customers and spur growth. Thus, the two pillars of business development and brand management have become core strategic functions.
By focusing on innovation – a key dimension of business development – this book analyzes the interrelations between innovation and brand management and the ways in which both functions can benefit from each other. Innovations are considered crucial for building brand equity and revitalizing brand images in the long term, while vice versa, branding could facilitate consumer adoption of a newly launched innovative product or service. Since a brand is a first quality signal, it could act as a vehicle for consumers to reduce the risks and uncertainty associated with a novel product from a consumer's perspective and encourage product trial.
This book empirically investigates whether such interdependencies exist and how managers can make use of them to best leverage their company’s innovation and branding efforts. In particular, the author examines the interplay between innovation and brand management by analyzing (1) how innovations impact consumer attitudes towards the (parent) brand and its brand images, (2) how branding an innovation facilitates its market success, and (3) how building brand equity can serve as a buffer against impacts from adverse events such as a product scandal.
Its findings are highly relevant from a managerial and a theoretical perspective. They provide managers with guidance on two key aspects of business development and innovation management: One, how is innovation employed in order to best enhance a brand's equity (e.g., to revitalize its brand image)? Two, how to choose whether to leverage an existing brand or to develop a new brand in order to facilitate consumer adoption of a new innovation?
BetriebswirtschaftBrand EquityBrand ManagementBusiness DevelopmentInnovationInnovation ManagementInnovationsmanagementMarkenführungMarkenwertMarketing StrategyProduct ScandalsSpillover EffectsStrategisches ManagementUnternehmensführungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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