Rosa Lori Teubner-GuerraHeimatkonzepte und Bindung
Ein Beitrag zur soziokulturellen Erweiterung der Bindungstheorie
Studienreihe psychologische Forschungsergebnisse, volume 173
Hamburg 2014, 300 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-7627-8 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-07627-4 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Home and Attachment - Sociocultural expansion of attachment theory Bowlby`s attachment theory descripes variations of secure and unsecure attachment expectation behavior from individuals in reference to an attachment figure. Succeed the evidence, that individuals with unsecure attachment behavior use more as others homeland ideas as am symbolic attachment object. This fact is only known for religious and political ideology. The result, that tenancy changeover of individuals perceive as uncertainty, is also a clue of attachment on homeland. In compliance with their attachment behavior the sample group showed appropriate profiles of homeland. Considerations, that there is not only one famous personal attachment object, but rather a hierarchy with a lot of objects, would be requested. In these hierarchies symbolic attachment objects, like homeland, has an important place. Although attachment behavior is inborn there are quantitative differences in the specification of attachment patterns, that is, take effect enviromental influences. This was investigated on a sample group of n= 815 with subject from both East and West Germany, from 13 German Federal lands. For the first time ever was developed and introduced a standardized “Homeland Questionnaire”. Based on factor analysis established the Homeland dimensions “values”, “attachment experiences”, “self-concept”, and “attachment to Home”. Homeland could be also defined as a conglomerate of symbolic and personal attachment objects. The book comprised an interesting summary of diagnostical instruments of attachment. In addition, the term of homeland was defined in sociological, psychological, historical and sociogeographical categories.Keywords
BindungstheorieHeimatIdentitätIndividualismusKollektivismusPsychologieSelbstentwicklungWerteIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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