Vera OostingaSubjektive Interpretationen von Naturerfahrungen im Kontext bildungstheoretischer Perspektiven
Naturerleben und Selbstbildung als gesundheitsfördernde Faktoren
Studien zur Erwachsenenbildung, volume 52
Hamburg 2024, 348 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-13904-7 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-13905-4 (eBook)
[...] Dieses Buch belegt ausführlich, daß nachhaltige Entwicklung nicht durch datengestützte Rationalität erreicht wird, sondern durch beziehungsfähige Selbstbildung, subjektive Emotion und Intuition und damit tief verankerten Werthaltungen und universeller Verbundenheit erreicht werden kann. Manchmal nennt man es auch nur den gesunden Menschenverstand.
About this book deutschenglish
The qualitative study examines the question of how personality development processes take place in and with nature in the context of health promotion. The results are based on interview statements on the subjective experience of nature and self-experience of people in the field of direct experience of nature and on data analysis using the category-forming procedure of grounded theory methodology.
Located in an approach to self-education that examines personality development as self-transformation, the study focuses on the subjective experience of nature, self and health and personal educational processes. A particular focus here is on the importance of accompanied lifelong adult learning. The focus here is on the fact that relationship-oriented educational opportunities in particular contribute to personality development processes and thus to self and subject formation. These educational offers are characterized by a mindful physical-bodily perception of nature and oneself in connection with psychoeducation, for a better classification of one's own feelings, thoughts and actions. The categories of bodily perception and awareness are central, which are closely related to personal learning and educational processes as well as psychological health. This manifests itself particularly in lived self-integration, authenticity and social communication skills. The development of an individual capacity for resonance is fundamental here. Successful personal change processes in the context of self-education in and with nature take place as a dynamic inner movement and gradual recognition of one's own development.
The specific examination of how exactly nature and why it is perceived as beneficial is embedded in the study in the social discourse on health promotion. The discussion about suitable spaces for experiencing, learning and teaching and their significance in educational theory and practice is also relevant. The results of the present study are particularly explosive against the background of the current sharp increase in mental stress in the population as well as the the debate on personal and social sustainability and democracy education.
The target group
Researchers and practitioners in educational science, adult education, Prevention & health promotion, nature education
About the author
Dr. phil. (des.) Vera Oostinga, (self-)education scientist, nature and sustainability educator, lecturer at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin, doctorate at the Heidelberg University of Education
Bildung für nachhaltige EntwicklungEmotions- und BewusstseinsforschungErwachsenenbildungErziehungswissenschaftGesundheitGesundheitsförderungLeiblichkeitLern- und Erfahrungsraum NaturNachhaltigkeitsbildungNaturPädagogikPersönlichkeitsentwicklungPräventionSelbstbildungSelbstregulationSelbstwahrnehmungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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