Forschungsarbeit: Disability Studies und Interkulturelle Theologie

Disability Studies und Interkulturelle Theologie

„Trotz der Schwachheit“ – Inklusions-orientierte, transnationale und transkulturelle Diskurse

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse, volume 166

Hamburg , 314 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-13230-7 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-13231-4 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The topic of this paper: TROTZ DER SCHWACHHEIT (DEFIANCE OF WEAKNESS) – Inclusion-Oriented, Transnational and Transcultural Discourses of Disability Studies in Intercultural Theology is by its German title both a cautionary reminder (noun) of the inclusion, sought by disabled and non-disabled people together, in church and Christian ministry, and its option (adverb) of participation within this sociological framework.

The issues raised here can be paraphrased as follows: how are inclusive approaches implemented in church development agencies for expatriate workers in training, application, and on the field? What historical developments help us to understand from a postcolonial perception how inclusion (forerunner models: participation, integration) is implemented in more recent times?

The aim is to evaluate the current situation and to improve processes so that church development ministries are empowered in a forward-looking way to promote diversity of church staff, members and those touched by diakonia with regard to persons with physical or mental challenges. A previously observed exclusion through marginalisation is countered by the principle of “unity in diversity” and the untapped potential of the life realities of these groups of people.

Starting from an analysis of the social construct “disability”, the historical derivation, especially in an interreligious context, will be carried out first. Based on this, the ecclesiastical diakonia as a Christian development service will be considered with regard to Disability Studies (review). The historical studies around “disability”, from today’s postcolonial perspective, especially help to understand what changes in perception have taken place and what still needs to be done (mission task). In the last part, the missiological-hermeneutical field of vision of Disability Missiology on the inclusive global church as a reflection of human diversity is demonstrated.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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