Erika Kegyes Szerekes / Katharina Zipser (Hrsg.)Kontrastive Studien zum Sprachpaar Deutsch–Ungarisch
Linguistische Betrachtungen ausgewählter systemlinguistischer und sprachkultureller Phänomene
Schriften zur Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft, volume 35
Hamburg 2022, 344 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-12946-8 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-12947-5 (eBook)
[…] Menschliche Wahrnehmung baut immerhin auf Kontrastivität und ständiges Vergleichen auf, es kommt darauf an, wie weit man in seiner Urteilsbildung gehen kann. Im Falle dieses Bandes können es v.a. Expertinnen und Experten der einzelnen hier vertretenen linguistischen Disziplinen am weitesten, doch bietet jeder Beitrag Anknüpfungspunkte, durch die jeder seine Kenntnisse über ein Thema durch den deutsch-ungarischen Vergleich erweitern oder vertiefen kann. […]
About this book deutschenglish
German and Hungarian belong to two different language families, namely, Germanic and the Ugric, respectively. From a geographical point of view, on the other hand, they are adjacent languages connected by their shared history. Therefore, contrastive studies concerning these two languages and cultures have traditionally been of scientific interest. However, there are few recent linguistic studies of modern Hungarian and German that unite linguistics and literature with cultural aspects. To close this gap, we provide selected articles concerning various phenomena in the areas of language culture and language system.
This book aims to provide answers to current questions by incorporating literary classics as well as examples from modern corpora. Readers interested in morphosyntax, lexicology, translation or sociolinguistics will find interesting and wide-ranging contributions that are inspired readers by a contrastive perspective. No previous knowledge of Hungarian or profound linguistic expertise is required since translations and in some cases also explanations of Hungarian language examples are provided to make the book accessible to a broad readership. The present book targets researchers, teachers, students of comparative linguistics (especially Hungarian studies), and everyone interested in linguistic and cultural questions regarding these two neighboring languages. Overall, 14 Hungarian and Austrian researchers have contributed to this publication. Starting out from Hungarian and proceeding to German, they take on a contrastive perspective that (mainly) focuses on the linguistic analysis of literary and media texts, on language structures and also on phenomena of cultural history.
DeutschKontrastive LinguistikNachbarsprachenSprachkulturSprachstrukturSprachwissenschaftSystemlinguistikUngarischIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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