Doktorarbeit: Acceptance Factors of Mobile Health Apps from the Patient Perspective

Acceptance Factors of Mobile Health Apps from the Patient Perspective

Gesundheitsmanagement und Medizinökonomie, volume 58

Hamburg , 310 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12626-9 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-12627-6 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Smartphones and apps have become an integral part of everyday life. Mobile health apps (mHealth apps) have also found their way into the healthcare sector to provide versatile support for patients and medical professionals.

In the app stores, one can find an immense selection of mHealth apps that help patients manage their chronic or acute illness more effectively and efficiently. mHealth app functionalities range from assistance with medical tasks in disease management (e.g., documentation of vital signs) to emotional support (e.g., coaching, exchange with other patients). Studies show that the use of mHealth apps not only improves the health of individual patients but can also reduce national healthcare spending.

In light of the benefits that accrue from the use of mHealth apps, it is important for national health policy makers as well as app manufacturers to know what factors influence the acceptance of this technology. This dissertation examines what factors contribute to patient acceptance of mHealth apps. The empirical part of this thesis is divided into two consecutive studies. In the first step, the prevailing beliefs among patients about mHealth app use are identified. This is followed by a quantitative study of acceptance factors with diabetes patients.

Overall, this work contributes to technology acceptance research in the healthcare sector. Based on the empirical results, implications for the design and marketing of mHealth apps are derived.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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