Sammelband: Aktuelle Aspekte von Deutsch als Zweit- und Bildungssprache in Schule und Lehramtsausbildung

Aktuelle Aspekte von Deutsch als Zweit- und Bildungssprache in Schule und Lehramtsausbildung

Studentische Forschungsprojekte

Blickpunkt Deutsch als Zweitsprache, volume 6

Hamburg , 260 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12526-2 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-12527-9 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Language plays a fundamental role in communication not only in our everyday lives, but also and especially in the context of education. Thus, German as a second and educational language has long since arrived in teacher training and with it in the various teaching subjects. Numerous publications show the high theoretical interest in the gain of the subject, through increased educational language learning.

In this anthology, five very different student research projects show how this can be shaped in long-term internships, also from a theoretical-research perspective. They should awaken anticipation and ideas for own research, of which we still have too few in school practice to be able to speak of a sustainable theory-practice link. Here, the authors have explicitly made it their task to establish a connection between theory and practice, not only in teaching practice, but with regard to an evidence-based view of the entire field of work. In this way, they had the opportunity to develop theoretical questions once again in a bundled way, to study empirical studies and to set themselves up accordingly in terms of research methodology.

In addition, the research papers point to the important role of language in everyday life and educational contexts by presenting language education and language support in school and out-of-school contexts to you as readers. With this book, we want to give this research perspective from different angles and with the research experience of three-semester projects of teacher students of German, mathematics, science education, music, politics and adult education.

Finally, we hope you will enjoy and gain knowledge from these student research projects and, of course, enjoy reading them.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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